Saturday, August 25, 2012

Do you ever feel like you think too much that your brain just might explode?

I do this way too often.

I am going to bring up something I haven't in a while, my poor memory. I still don't understand why my memory is so poor. I remember going to the doctor about it back in grade 10. Then she told me to come back in the fall, because she thought it might be stress. Yeah, didn't come back. But my memory didn't change.

People look at my grades and think... you have an amazing memory. No. I don't. I have an amazing understanding of topics, like I will be able to explain to you what schrodinger's cat is, but I will have no idea what to call it (it just took me a while to remember the name "schrodinger's cat"). When it comes to remembering who the heck Hume is or what happened in the year 300AD, I have no idea.

In Family Studies, we had these 6 theories of development. Can I tell you about each one of them (well maybe not now, but before the exam, yes) but could I tell you which theory had which name? No. I made flashcards of the definition of the theory and the name of the theory, and who's theory it is, and I could not match them. As it was, I did end up mixing up two of the titles and theories on the exam.

I get higher grades on assignments, as I can research and look at my notes. But exams and tests I score about 10% lower on. I still get good grades, but my memory is poor. *cough cough* Law culminating I got a 96% on, while my exam was an 83%. Feels great when your teacher says "What happened?" to you.

My point about bringing up my memory again is that when I am in an intense state of thought, about anything, whether what I have to do when I get home, or some philosophical topic, I slowly start to forget about other things I was thinking of in this state of thought. For example, today I was at work (it was completely dead at the Cafe) and I actually can't remember what exactly I was thinking about right now... Seriously? Okay. This just proves my point. I was thinking about some sociological topic. Thats all I remember. Anyways, I just remember that I would get onto a new stage of thinking and would forget about the other thing I was just thinking before.

I get so frustrated when I am thinking because of this. Which is what inspired the title of my blog. I think so much that I forget parts of my thought and I get frustrated.

Not to mention, the topics I think of (on a daily basis) get me upset and frustrated to begin with, because many people tend not to see things the way I do, so I am at crossroads of what to do.

Even writing blogs, almost every blog I write, I think so much, and at some point I will think "Write about this later" and then I will write the one thought I had, and then forget the original thought. So sometimes what I'll do is write down a sentence or a few words of the one topic and then finish typing out my original thought, so I can go back and remember both things.

I guess I can't multitask with thinking. Thats somewhat logical.

But honestly, how many times do my friends hear me say "What was I just thinking?". I catch myself saying that all the time. And people around me are just like "Uhh, I don't know. You weren't talking.".

I know there are memory activities to do, which I tried. But nothing seems to help unless I write things down and go back to them later. Which is why I carry around a notebook with me almost everywhere. Just so I can remember my ideas and thoughts for later.

I'm just afraid this might impact my future, if I don't have a good memory. But I do find that I EASILY forget things I don't like. Example: I preferred History to Law, and remembered more on the history exam than my law exam.

I don't know. Maybe I should go back to the doctor. But I know she'll just say something again like "You're over thinking it" or "Let's wait it out" or "But your grades are so high!".

Please. Help.

My brain is exploding.

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