Why am I so busy? Oh right.
Well, it is a good thing. I think. Today I sat down to think: there are only 3 weeks this summer I have worked less then 10 hours and/or haven't had school.
That would be this week, the second week of summer Vaca and in the future Aug: 12-17.
I mean, it is a good thing. I am happier than I was last summer. But it just sucks that this summer when I am trying to make plans with friends... I can't. Everybody is busy.
But then again, I just keep losing friends more and more all through highschool. I only made 2 new friends in all of highschool. Kinda sucks. I guess.
But then again, it really doesn't. Its not bad to admit I like to be alone. But as a human, I do need social interaction to not breakdown.
Basically all of July I had online summer school, I picked up extra hours at the cafe (only a few) and 3 weeks this summer I am covering people's holidays at work. Other than that, I am super busy at the gym. I go around 14 hours a week. A little less and a little more depending. Which is a lot now that I think about it... I usually go for 1hr-3 hours, depending on things like what I am working out, and if I am doing cardio AT the gym or not.
My running is taking up more and more time now too. Longer runs = longer time running. Obvi.
I am probably going to show up back to school acting like all of my characters on my favourite TV shows, and like the people at the gym. Its the only things I know anymore.
But I won't give up yet. I am going to go to the gym soon. Shit. I meant beach. Yes, I will be going to the gym soon, tomorrrow. Wait. No I won't. Tomorrow is my rest day. Sunday.
Okay. So. Yup. Thats it.
Quote: "If you look too hard you won't find who you are looking for."
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