Sunday, June 9, 2013

#9 30 Day Writing Challenge- How important I think education is + Other Ramblings


I don't even specifically mean in school, but that too. Learning and educating is a life-long process. It is not something you do until grade 12, and then choose to go to university or college or not, it is a life-long process. You are always learning.

Public education can be very flawed with corrupt teachers and lesson requirements. But private education can also be flawed. I don't have a big stance here.

I think education in schools strictly relies on how many boundaries teachers are willing to push in their classrooms.

I'm sorry this is a serious post, but I should let you know I am currently typing and bouncing to "I found you" by the Wanted. I must be talented. I apologize for this interruption.

I want to be a teacher someday, because I am so fascinated with the idea of teaching and learning. I love to learn new things. I think I will always be in school. Or at least always learning.

I want to do something big in education. I'm not sure what, yet. But I am going to.

I don't want to be cliche, but I hate it when I say "I want" to do something. I should say "I am going to" do something. I just wrote on my twitter "I want to be a city councillor". I am going to be a city councillor.

I am actually really bad for getting hyped up about something and then not doing it. I do it all the time, it drives me nuts. I need to start saying yes and actually doing these things.

I hate putting these things out into the internet, too, because then if I don't do them, I'm a failure. I can think of so many things.
1. A long time ago in an old blog I used to talk about wanting to volunteer a lot, but then I never did.
2. Recently I made a blog post about how I keep trying to start writing a book but then I can't, so I am officially starting. Yeah, I got about 40 pages into that and I haven't looked at it in over a month. Maybe eventually... but it's just a lost cause now.

I don't know how to imprint this. Do I need to tattoo it onto my forehead?

Goodness. It's time to get back to homework. I've been internetting for the past 2 hours and I only got 15 minutes of homework done. Whoops.

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