Thursday, June 20, 2013

#20 30 Day Writing Challenge - My fears


1. Spiders and bugs in general. Pretty much anything smaller than my finger with legs creeps the fuck out of me. Even some butterflies do. Not all. Some.

2. I have a fear of breaking or injuring any part of my body, especially my legs.

3. I fear being in a tiny space for too long where I can't get out. Like if I am locked in a locker or a small room, maybe the size of 2-3 bathroom stalls or smaller. Sometimes I'll be in a cardboard box, just closed in, and I start to panic suddenly.

4. Fear of failing grades, or not being successful.

That's pretty much it. I mean, I guess fears like being shot, getting blood thrown at you, vampires, monsters, etc., are pretty much widespread and don't need to be mentioned.

I don't really have any weird fears that aren't realistic.

I used to have a fear of heights and falling, but I decided to face my fear and jump off of this really high thing, into the water, and now I am over it.

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