Sunday, June 2, 2013

#2 30 Day Writing Challenge- Something I feel strongly about (stance on abortion)

The second topic for the 30 day writing challenge is "Something you feel strongly about".

There are so many things I feel strongly about, but for whatever reason "abortion" keeps popping into my head, which is weird, because I tend to not get too involved in abortion debates. But I will write about it nevertheless.

My stance on abortion is pro-choice.

My main and pretty much only argument is that if you are against abortion- do not get an abortion, don't prevent others from getting an abortion just because you think it is wrong. Just because your opinion or religious belief's stance is against abortion, doesn't mean others' is. So just practice your beliefs, yourself. Don't force your beliefs onto others.

To me, it's like trying to force people to celebrate christmas, or to like pizza. Some people just don't celebrate christmas. Some people just don't like pizza.

If you like pizza, you aren't going to force others to eat pizza, especially if they don't like pizza. So don't push your pro-life arguments onto people.

It's the same with gay marriage. If you are not gay, don't get married to someone of the same sex. But how does 2 other people of the same sex getting married, effect you? So just stay out of it.

I do understand the argument that it is "murder" in a sense. I don't want to get into the argument of the "unborn fetus" too much, but honestly, even though I never want to murder someone, I don't think it is that bad. That fetus, even if it was a little baby at 5 months old, has no original thoughts... or at least thoughts it can remember. In my books, that is what defines a person.

End of story.

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