Sunday, June 16, 2013

#16 30 Day Writing Challenge- Something I always think "What if" about

There are three things I always think what if about.

The main one is "What if I never moved to the city I live in now?"
When I was 10 my parents split up and I moved back to my mom's old hometown with her, and we lived at my grandma's for 3 years until we bought a house.
I changed schools, which was the biggest thing. So many things are different.
I think if I stayed in the old town, the following would've happened:
1) I don't think I would've started running. I did do track RIGHT before I moved away, but I don't think I would've started running outside of school.
2) I wouldn't have been as good at computer stuff. We didn't have internet at the house... so... yeah. We were living in the middle of nowhere.
3) I feel like I probably would've had a boyfriend or two. I was more outgoing where I used to live. The guys there weren't as bad either.
4) I would've been more likely to drink and/or smoke.
5) I probably would've stuck in french immersion throughout highschool.
6) I don't think I would've discovered my love for psychology. I might've, but I doubt it.
7) I have no clue what I would do after high school. Not a lot of people go onto post secondary at that school. Although, my parents did have an education fund for me. I'm not sure what I would've done.
8) I probably wouldn't have a part time job. There weren't that many jobs around. I might've babysat.

The second one is "What if my dad didn't pass away?"
My dad passed away 2 years after we moved away from the old town we lived in. I had a restraining order against him, and I never visited him until I learned he got cancer. If he never got cancer, I probably wouldn't have talked to him. If he did get cancer but he didn't pass away... now that's a different story.
1) I probably would've visited my dad more after his cancer was gone.
2) I'm not sure if my parents would've gotten back together. They did both tell each other that they love each other, before he passed away. My dad had a girlfriend, but he obviously loved my mom more. My mom left him because he was an alcoholic.
3) If they did get back together, we might've moved back in with him. At the time, I remember thinking that I didn't want to do that.
4) If my Dad hadn't passed away, I wouldn't have as much money as I do. I inherited quite a bit of money from him, which I don't get until I'm 21, but I am using this year to help pay for my education at university as well as I am buying a car.

The last thing I always think "What if" about is "What if I had a sibling?".
Throughout those 3ish years especially, because there was just enough room for my mom and I at my grandma's. If I had a brother, he probably would've slept in another room. If I had a sister, I'm not sure who would sleep where. This is a weird thing to think about "who would sleep where" but it's something I do think about.
1) If I had a sibling I might be more outgoing. Depending on if they are younger or older. Either way, I would be more outgoing.
2) I would probably be less of a loner. Since I am an only child, I am fine doing things on my own. I'll go shopping by myself, do stuff around the house by myself. I don't have a problem with being alone. If I had a sibling I would've had someone my age around, so I probably would prefer doing things with different people.

I also think "What if" about what if I didn't join Destinations (a part of IB) in grade 7? I wouldn't have made the same friends. Things would be different.

I'm fine with the way my life turned out. I'm happy these things happened. I didn't want to move at the time, but now I wouldn't want to move back! I am sad that my father passed away, but I feel like if he didn't get cancer, and he just passed away at an old age, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to say goodbye, since I wasn't talking to him. Also, I hate to say it, but financially, it really is going to help me. I thank my Dad tremendously for leaving a chunk of money to me. It will definitely keep him in my thoughts. I'm buying a used car (hopefully in August), all thanks to him. Hopefully this money will keep me out of piling up debt in university. Also, even though I've always wanted a sibling, I am kind of glad I don't have one too. It saves time, money, energy. I like being an only child. I like being quiet and keeping to myself.

What do you think "What if?" about?

A past boyfriend/girlfriend? Debt? Marriage? House? A loss of a loved one? A child?

They're always these big life events where something major happens or when make a big decision like marriage.

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