Thursday, February 2, 2012


So. I was thinking a lot about "theories of attraction", which we learned about in Family studies (fuck I am going to miss that damned course) and there is one called "Evolutionary Psychology" that basically talks about how Men used to want a women that was healthy and would produce good children, and women would look for men that are good providers for the family, and now men look for attractive women, and women look for smart/ambitious men.

But it is still pretty related, men look for women who look like they are healthy and can carry a baby, and women look for someone "smart" enough to provide for the family, in a sense.

Which goes back to instrumental and expressive roles of men and women IE, man head of the house and woman being submissive to him.

Which I always thought, why? Why were women beneath men? WERE.. still, but whatever.

I came to the final conclusion of, its because men are larger, have more muscle, etc, so their physical power overpowers women.

But still, I ask a billion questions.

I know in the bible, well various bibles, it shows many signs of women being submissive to men, and women having to obey men, so this is another sign that women were MEANT to be below men.

But then biologically, men are just bigger then women.

So what came first? The chicken? or the egg?

I am personally not religious, I think the bible is a load of shit, so I think that it was written a LONG time ago, and is based off of biological influences.

But maybe the man being "stronger" has nothing to do with it, maybe religious folk just believe that men should be better then women. I am not saying they do, I am just referring to different passages I have read from the bible.

Basically, what "I" believe is that men discovered at some point that they could overpower women. I think equality was natural, because women would carry and raise children, and men would have jobs and work, so they would both contribute to the family, but I think somewhere along the way the man decided that HE was the supporter of the house and somehow was more important then the woman.

Just now, we are really close to equality. But I don't think we ever really can reach equality, of race, gender, age... anything. Originally, I think it was natural, but now, since everybody has completely different opinions and you cannot completely sway the entire human population, there will always be some form of inequality.

I think the only thing that could solve this is communism. Because money seems to control so much nowadays. Just imagine, no money or currency, families would just provide and find things and raise their families. I just see it way more ideal.

Humans started turning down the wrong path once private property was established, and then once having more property was determined as "better". I would like to have lived about 50 years before private property was really established and just stop it. But I can't, obviously.

Whenever I bring up communism to people around me, they think I am absolutely insane, because they don't open up their minds. Since everyone around me is raised in a capitalist environment, and they have not really thought much about it, they think I am crazy. Its hard to explain. Since people are used to capitalism, they cannot adjust well to any other ideas... this is mostly ethnocentric.

People don't understand when I agree with things such as polygamy, polyandry, incest, communism, arranged marriages, etc.

People automatically start questioning me like "Well, what if I arranged your marriage?" Me: "I wouldn't like that." Them: "HA!". Well, I don't care if others want arranged marriages, they can go right ahead, its just since I have been around westernized families and marriages that I want that, I am more accustomed to it, but I respect people who have arranged marriages, I UNDERSTAND THEIR VIEWPOINT.

That is all I ask for, understand everybody's viewpoint.

I can go on forever... like usual, but I need to find something else to do with my time now.

WAIT. NO. I want to "personal blog" a bit.

So I got my marks today. I got a 90 in Accounting, which is okay, I was expecting a high 80 low 90. Family studies: I had a 90. It went down to an 88. My culminating activity that is worth 15% of my mark, I got an 84% on. My exam that was worth 15% of my mark I got an 81.5% on. If you average all of that out, it comes to like 86.45 blahblah something. I also get 1-3 bonus marks for this extra-curricular thing I did... which I am assuming I got 3 marks for, and she gave me a freebie of half of a mark, because I ended up with a 90% in the course--- which is what I was aiming for.

Now, in math. I got the worst mark I have ever gotten--- ever, as an average. I am not saying the exact number, but it I didn't fail, and I will say it wasn't in the 50's. It was somewhere between 60-79. Thats all I am saying.

It made me so sad. I told my family studies teacher about this mark and she seemed really surprised, because she probably thought I do well in all of my classes, but I just explained to her that I am bad at math and that its not important for my future anyways. But freaking bless her heart for giving me a 90%. She could have just as easily given me an 87%. But she gave me 3.5% of bonus marks. Thank you! She was an amazing teacher. Not the BEST, but out of all of the teachers I ever had, if I had to tell one of them something secret/private about me, it would definitely be her. She was amazing <3. Maybe I should write her a thank-you? No. Should I? I should.. but I don't want to... BLEH.

I don't know my fashion mark because the teacher was AWOL so I couldn't find her.

I actually did cry a bit about my marks, because my math mark was the lowest ever. But then I am over it now.

I am going to tell you guys what I think about my brain. Like, my intelligence.

Between the grades of Kindergarten-early grade 2, I was considered one of the dumb students.. I was reading over my report cards and they seemed to be negative. My mom said that as a baby I started talking early then the average baby. I was kinda late walking I think though..

But then I was considered a super smart student from grade 2 on.

I am so glad I am not in IB. I actually hate comparing grades. I hate hearing people in the class being like "Well I got this... and I didn't even study" and I am sitting there with 10% less then them and I had studied 3 hours. It just drives me nuts! If I didn't try in any of my courses... my marks would definately be a LOT lower. Yes, I am probably a bit "smarter" then the average student, but do you have any idea how hard I had to fight to get that 90% in family studies? It was actually semi-hard.

Most social sciences I average at about an 87%... which is what I would've gotten without the bonus marks!

But I knew that course was a 4M course, so universities will maybe look at it, plus it is related to the program I want to get into. I was aiming for higher then a 90, but then I got a 76% on something and then I was like.. well I just blew that.

BUT I AM PROUD OF ONE THING: I didn't fail a SINGLE TEST in math this year. I did fail quizzes.. but we can drop those. But in grade 10 I failed 2 tests. I didn't actually fail any tests! My marks were just a bit lower, average wise.

Well. Goodbye.

Life Advice: Don't be afraid to be alone

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