Sunday, February 19, 2012


I had an idea.

I decided that I wanted to listen to some Carly Rae Jepson music, blog and play with some Tarot cards. So I decided to do all 3 at the same time. I am going to blog about what the tarot cards read, just because I think its interesting.

Just to state at the very beginning: I play with tarot cards for FUN. I do believe in SOME psychic things, but I also believe that futures can change if you want them to, and what is predicted may only come true if some things can happen. But these cards don't really even predict the future. I just like to play with them.

So the set I am using is "The Intuitive Tarot". I am going to pick 7 cards and place them in "The Tree". Which basically, its one card at the top which represents "Yourself and the situation" then 2 cards below that represent "How you deal with the situation" then 3 cards below that that represent the "Outcome" and one card below that represents the "Integral Quality".

1. Yourself and the Situation
Card Drawn: Two of Discs
Shortened Definition: Certainties and uncertainties. Stress, pressure, choices. Working with body energies. Deciding whether to take an uncertain path. Embracing the unknown. A compelling, mesmeric urge in life that is in danger of becoming slightly addictive.

2. How I deal with it
1st Card Drawn: Two of Swords, upside down
Shortened Definition: Stasis, opposition, trouble-making, conflict, antagonism, antipathy. Deliberate mischief-making.
2nd Card Drawn: Nine of Swords, Upside down
Shortened Definition: Acceptance in the face of pain, loss and despair; self-knowledge growing out of hardship. Self-imposed isolation gradually easing, a return to the world.

3. Outcome.
1st Card Drawn: The Devil (oh shit)
Shortened Definition: Skewed attitudes and perceptions. Expendiency, lack of integrity. Justification and denial. Major shadow issues - perversion, greed, envy, deceit - that need to be owned, not denied. Old entrenched patterns, especially those involving anger, fear or sexuality. Enslavement to material things.
2nd Card: Queen of Cups, upside down
Shortened definition: The devouring lover (or mother/father) who leaves their partner or children no room to manoeuvre or separate. Someone who will destroy what they can't have. Lust. Inability to relate to the body. Clutching, grabbing characteristics.
3rd Card: Upside down King of Rods
Shortened Definition: The dark side of a wolf's nature, manipulative, calculating, dangerously charismatic, using his gifts to ensnare or confuse. Cares only for getting his own way. Contempt for others, loss of soul for himself.

4. Integral Quality
Card drawn: Upside down Seven of Cups
Shortened Definition: Fantasies that are never put to the test of reality. Grandiose schemes with no practical application of energy to manifest them. Choices offered, but the least challenging road is taken.

Okay, so when I look at the cards, I like to try to put together a story. At first when I was reading the definitions, nothing really came together. But when I draw the cards, I try to think and focus on one thing, to see the future in that thing. The thing I thought of is not something I want to share in my blog. But I will take the qualities from each definition to sort of form a story or my "Fortune".

I don't know whether or not I should do something. I want to do something that I don't know, that is mesmerizing. I will face pain and suffering, and get confused and may hurt others in the process, but I will learn from this experience. I will go into denial over the situation. Once I accept the fact that its not going to happen, I begin to envy all of those who have what I want, and may even hurt them because I want it so bad. I will be very jealous and will always want to get my way. But overall, the whole thing is a huge fantasy, which will not happen for now. Although I do have opportunities, I put my future in perspective, and take the less challenging path.

So thats basically my fortune! It makes a bit of sense... well probably not to you, because you don't know what I am thinking of! But honestly, I am kind of peeved at it, because I still really want that "thing" that my fortune talks about, and it says I won't get it. But I especially agree with the fact that I take the less challenging path, because that is what I have already basically chosen what to do. Even though I really want that fantasy.

By the way, this has nothing to do with sex or guys. I just realized thats what it sounds like. But its not.

I hope you found this interesting :)

Life Advice: Trust everyone, and never trust anyone.

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