My name is Sarah.
I have many ways to describe myself.
I feel the need to just throw my entire self into this blog post and I have no idea why.
Okay. I just looked for "journal ideas" I found one I like:
Who do you live for?
I mainly live for myself and my future. I tend to be the main motivator in my life. But other then myself I live for the following people (some are generalized)
My Mom
Friends: Sarah, Lauren, Lucas, Gytha, Kasi, Ami, Joe, Charlie, Kayla, Mallory, Valerie, Nick, other lyndhurst kids
Family: Marija, My Grandma, My other cousins
Other: A few teachers, a few co-workers, a bunch of other random people from school
What if your life had been harder or easier? How do you think you'd be different?
If my life was harder... well it depends what point in time it was. If it was maybe... grade 8/9 if it was a LOT harder, I may have turned to attempts of suicide. But the hardest parts of my life were more like grades 5-7, but here I had no suicidal thoughts--- I didn't even know what suicide was.
If my life was easier, I wouldn't have learned all of the things I have. I wouldn't be who I am today, thats for sure.
Tell about a characteristic in others you admire?
Spontaneity. I don't have it. I want it. I have no idea how to get it. Googling doesn't help.
What is your bucket list?
Since I think I have a REALLY LONG bucket list, I will just write down 10 things, they may not be the top 10, but they are the first 10 I will think of.
1. Sex.
2. Travel ALL OVER Europe, England, scotland, italy, spain, france, etc..
3. Meet Tina Fey
4. Hiking
5. Design an amazing piece of clothing
6. Professionally record and edit a song on my own.
7. Perform on a stage, one last time, whether it is singing, dancing, comedy, a speech, anything!
8. Travel ALL OVER the US
9. Travel ALL OVER Canada
10. Change someones life
I wish trees could….. because….
I wish trees could talk because that would mean that all of my countless minutes telling "Sid" my secrets would mean more. Yes, I used to be such a loner as a kid I talked to the "big tree" which I secretly named "Sid". I miss him a lot actually. I think they cut him down too :(
Tell about how your parents influenced your spiritual beliefs.
My mom is really into psychic things and things about past life, which did make me think a lot about it. I am not "in deep" as she is, but I do believe in some things. I believe in past and future lives, I think that you have multiple lives. I believe in "old souls" and I know I have one. I believe in spirits and guardian angels. I believe in ghosts. I believe in reincarnation (thats the word, right?).
What would you do if you met yourself without knowing it was you?
This is hard for me to wrap my mind around. If I met myself... without knowing it was me. I would probably think I was a huge snob. I'd probably know it was me in the first place.
What would you like to be reincarnated as? What do you think you WOULD be reincarnated as, if karma had its way with you?
A bird, or a human. If karma had its way with me.. probably some form of bug.
Life Advice: Don't take the number.
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