If you do not read the entire essay titled "Self-Reliance" written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, at least google quotes from it.
The majority of this essay explains my life. It is the most amazing essay ever. Piece of literature. Whatever.
I want to get so many quotes from it tattooed onto me. I'll just get a giant back tattoo of it, jk.
But here are some of my favourite quotes.
"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
"These are the voices which we hear in solitude but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world"
"Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of everyone of its' members"
"Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist"
"No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature"
"Expect me not to show cause why I seek or why I exclude company"
"Do not tell me... of my obligation to put all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor? I tell thee thou foolish philanthropist that I grudge the dollar, the time, the cent I give to such men as I do not belong to me and to whom I don't belong"
"I do not wish to expiate, but to live."
"My life is for itself and not for a spectacle"
"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness in the independence of solitude"
"Their every truth is not quiet true"
"But why should you keep your head over your shoulder?"
"Speak what you think now in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said today"
"To be great is to be misunderstood"
This isn't even all of them.
But I am probably going to get a few quotes tattooed.
I was thinking of getting "Speak what you think now in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said today" on my left forearm.
My 2 other favourite quotes I might get tattooed on are: "Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist"
"To be great is to be misunderstood"
Which I might get tattooed on my leg or my back or my lower stomach somewhere.
Besides Emerson, there are other tattoos I want. I have spoken of this a lot, but I am reconsidering some of them.
I still want the map of the world, but instead of on my right forearm, I want to get it around my right ankle.
I want to get "La Douleur Exquise" either on the back of my neck, top of my spine, or somewhere in-between my fingers.
I still want a hummingbird on my left finger.
I want to get 2-4 (I haven't decided on how many) plain rings around the top of my forearm on my right arm, or just above my elbow. I haven't exactly decided on the placement. But like this. Except maybe a bit thicker. I don't know why I like this so much.

I want to get something floralesque/tribal a random pattern on my left side of my body from like under my arm on my side down to my hip bone. I haven't exactly decided what yet. Kind of like this. But different.

I have a pinterest board of ideas I like. But I am probably not getting any of the ones there. Some of the tribal and lace ones I might get something similar. But most of the pins, are just placements I like. http://pinterest.com/sarahfloria/amazeball-tattoos/
I can't wait to be 18.
The majority of this essay explains my life. It is the most amazing essay ever. Piece of literature. Whatever.
I want to get so many quotes from it tattooed onto me. I'll just get a giant back tattoo of it, jk.
But here are some of my favourite quotes.
"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
"These are the voices which we hear in solitude but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world"
"Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of everyone of its' members"
"Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist"
"No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature"
"Expect me not to show cause why I seek or why I exclude company"
"Do not tell me... of my obligation to put all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor? I tell thee thou foolish philanthropist that I grudge the dollar, the time, the cent I give to such men as I do not belong to me and to whom I don't belong"
"I do not wish to expiate, but to live."
"My life is for itself and not for a spectacle"
"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness in the independence of solitude"
"Their every truth is not quiet true"
"But why should you keep your head over your shoulder?"
"Speak what you think now in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said today"
"To be great is to be misunderstood"
This isn't even all of them.
But I am probably going to get a few quotes tattooed.
I was thinking of getting "Speak what you think now in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said today" on my left forearm.
My 2 other favourite quotes I might get tattooed on are: "Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist"
"To be great is to be misunderstood"
Which I might get tattooed on my leg or my back or my lower stomach somewhere.
Besides Emerson, there are other tattoos I want. I have spoken of this a lot, but I am reconsidering some of them.
I still want the map of the world, but instead of on my right forearm, I want to get it around my right ankle.
I want to get "La Douleur Exquise" either on the back of my neck, top of my spine, or somewhere in-between my fingers.
I still want a hummingbird on my left finger.
I want to get 2-4 (I haven't decided on how many) plain rings around the top of my forearm on my right arm, or just above my elbow. I haven't exactly decided on the placement. But like this. Except maybe a bit thicker. I don't know why I like this so much.
I want to get something floralesque/tribal a random pattern on my left side of my body from like under my arm on my side down to my hip bone. I haven't exactly decided what yet. Kind of like this. But different.
I have a pinterest board of ideas I like. But I am probably not getting any of the ones there. Some of the tribal and lace ones I might get something similar. But most of the pins, are just placements I like. http://pinterest.com/sarahfloria/amazeball-tattoos/
I can't wait to be 18.