Is there a supreme being?
No. The reason why so many believe there is one is because people are always taught to look up to elders and other people in their life, so they ultimately cannot imagine a life without a higher power. So basically, people think at the end of the hierarchal chain, there must be something. I believe there is nothing.
Is the man the highest fruit of the universe or is he just an insignificant speck in infinite space- or something in between?
Whether or not the man is the "highest fruit" of the universe is insignificant in itself. If man is a speck to another being in another universe, should that not matter to the significant fact that we are significant to each other?
What is mind; what is thought?
Mind is what creates thoughts. Thoughts are created by the mind. The mind gathers information from literally anywhere. The majority of thoughts produced are based off of experiences from the man.
Is thought real?
Thought must be real or else humans would not have evolved as greatly as they have. Most thoughts aren't unique, but some must be or else humans would not have developed things such as tool and speech.
Where do ideas come from?
Ideas come from personal experiences.
IS man a creator and mover of his life, or does he live at the effect of forces over which he has little control?
(Sidenote: As a child I used to question this.... A LOT... I used to believe life was written in a book, forseeably the bible, and that life was just one big story that I could not control).
Now, I believe that man has the ability to create and move his life, but the average man does not and allows "forces" around him, such as society and law, limit his control of his own life. I do not believe a god or idol controls any aspect of life.
Is everything pre-determined from the beginning of time?
I believe not because I do not believe in gods.
What is good?
Good is what people interpret from things they personally assume are good. One's good to themself is different from another man's good. For example, one man may believe thought to be good, but another not.
What is evil?
Evil is the opposite of good. Evil is the idea that a person puts negatively towards and object or thing. Again, it is different for every person.
What is ethical?
Ethical is a person's personal belief of what is acceptable and respected in practices towards other beings, live or not.
Who decides good and bad, and right and wrong and by what standard?
The individual decides good and bad and right and wrong. They themself have a personal opinion about what is good/bad right/wrong, that usually is influenced by the decision of those around them, i.e., society. Although the person's decision is ultimately based upon their own thought, the average person believes things good and bad right and wrong similar to the teachings of the christian church.
Should good and bad be determined by custom, rational law, or by the situation?
Good and bad should be determined by the situation... or even the individual.
What if the decisions of others (societies, authorities, laws, etc) determining good and bad are contrary to one's personal beliefs or freedoms?
Then that person is screwed (like me). I believe that the only law, rule or freedom is the right to life your life however you want. The only way you can break a law is if you kill someone, because you revoked their right to live.
So basically, if a person like me has separate beliefs, they are completely disregarded by society, and specifically Canadian law.
Should you obey others or follow your own conscience?
Follow your own conscience because if you follow others, you don't even have a conscience.
What is a "good life"?
A good life is the time period in which you are alive and you have positive emotions that you like towards aspects of your life.
What would a utopian society look like?
No laws, no rulers. As I said, the only law you can break is murdering someone because you are taking away their right to live
Is it even possible?
Nothing is impossible.
What should you do with people who don't cooperate and violate the Utopian system?
Since I said the only law is no murdering, if you murdered, you would lose your right to live. therefore any other person can kill you, without losing their right to live.
If you control or punish them ,is there no longer a utopia?
In my mind it is a utopia. But I would be easily acceptable to have absolutely no laws and have even murder, legal.
What is the ideal relation between the individual and the state?
Completely separate. The Individual is the state, but the state tries to control the individual, therefore the state tries to deny the individual. Therefore, there should be no state.
Should the individual serve the state or the state serve the individual?
The individual should serve the individual.
What is the best form of government, and the worst?
Best: None. No government allows the person to be completely free. The Worst: Dictatorship. this is because the dictator thinks they know correct for all, when everyone knows correct for them self.
When is a man justified in rebelling against the established order and creating a new state?
If I understand this question correctly, the man is justified in rebelling against established order whenever he feels it is right to do so. Why is it the state that can say when or when not a man can rebel against the state? Logic should apply here.
What is education?
Education is providing information and knowledge and lessons towards another, from anything, a book, a human, a plant, anything.
How should the young be educated- what is important and what is not?
The young should be educated in whatever way fits the person. If a school fits the individual, then through a school. If being self-taught fits them, then allow them to self-teach. What is important relies strictly on the individual and their own things they like.
Who should control the education; parent, student, society or state?
The student. They should control their own education, parents society and the state have nothing to do with what the individual student wants to learn. If a person is being educated they should choose how. Its just like me trying to instruct you on what to wear. I am forcing a sweater onto you, you don't want.
Should a student be taught to think for himself or to adopt the beliefs of the society?
Obviously think for them self. If a thought was never thought for one self then a society would have never been established. Society came from the individual. The self is what creates society, although the self is also now biased by society.
What happens at death?
At death your soul and your body detach from each other. The soul is something that is used on a daily basis, yet most individuals do not access it because they do not believe it exists. If a person believes the soul does not exist, than their soul does not exist. At death your soul continues on forever, whether in the form of another being, part of another being, a guide, or as a negative life.
Does a soul in man continue beyond death?
It does. The soul is what is really life, and the soul is your legacy on earth, that never leaves unless you make it so.
Is the soul immortal, or does it too cease to exist?
The soul is immortal to only those who believe it is. If somebody believes the soul dies, then their soul may die.
Is good and bad punishable at death?
Good and bad is unable to be punishable at death because everybody can and does have a different idea and perspective of what good and bad is, therefore it cannot be judged at death for what is good and what is bad. Because in the end there is no actual good or actual bad, except to the specific individual. Although usual traces of good and bad are practiced, usually based upon christian teachings in western society, every person has the ability to a different belief of good and bad, and therefore it is not punishable at death.
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