I always feel the need to blog. But sometimes I just have nothing to say. I feel like I haven't blogged in forever, but its just been a week.
But also, as I have mentioned several times before, I always feel the need to blog about serious things. I mean, there are so many things I *could* talk about to make a really "juicy" blog post, but no thanks.
So what is new...
Well today I had a dizzy spell. That was fun. It is probably one of the following things:
1. Dehydrated.. I don't think this is the case, but water helped a little.
2. Not enough calories. This does make sense, because I didn't even realize until 15 minutes AFTEr my dizzy spell that I hadn't eaten enough today. It wasn't even on purpose. It is not like me to do this
3. I looked on some website and it says that ear infections can cause dizzy spells. I guess that is a possibility.
But I ate some food and so now I feel fine and whatever.
I've been wanting to do friends. Let me rephrase. I have been wanting to do things with friends. OMYFUCKINGGODMYBRAINISFUCKED
I have been wanting to interact socially with some friends of mine lately. There we go. That works. God my brain...
"God". Haha.
Anyways, but I haven't. Everyone is workin n' shit. So life sucks. JK I went shopping and bought the world.
I can't believe that school is almost over! Every goddam year. It still feels like Semester 1 was yesterday. Actually, it doesn't. I said "Hi" to one of my teachers from last semester the other day and I was just like OHMYGOD that was soo long ago.
Next week is sooo exciting. I guess that would be *this week*.
Sunday (Well.. OMG ITS MONDAY NOW) Well Sunday I did a little homework, went shopping, wen to the gym and went to the movies.
Today! Monday, I will finish my history essay... and either start my english game board, start my history presentation, or write my law essay. I am also going to the cemetary with my cousin and my uncle and my mom so THEY can plant flowers. I am not fucking touching any fucking dirt and if my uncle makes me I will throw it at him..
DIGRESSION. Ohkay, So... I am just now reminding myself to blog about "getting what I want" after I am done saying what I am doing everyday.
Tuesday I have school and work.
Wednesday I have school then I'm going to the gym. IF my shins are better by then I might go running.
Thursday is the symposium! And then I am likely going to Moira idol! Thursday will be EPIC!
FRIDAY! What am I doing? I don't know! I might go to Kingston. Maybe drag some people with me if they are not working. AND GO SEE KASI AND GYTHA (maybe.) If my mom takes me.
Saturday I work.
Okay. Getting what i want, thats not what I wanted to blog about, that would just remind me.
I am bossy to people who try to control me. I have this thing about hierarchy and adults trying to control me. I just hate it. My mom tried to get me to go over to my neighbours house today (my neighbour actually knew my 2 uncles and my mom sort of in high school and she moved in about 6 monthsish ago) so my uncles and my cousin were over for a bbq, and my mom went over. She tried to get me to go over. Uhh, no thanks. No. Just no. I don't want to socialize with my family at a strangers house with my cousin being all hyper and stuff. Fuck no.
Of course my mom was angry, but she basically figured out after walking in and out of my room like 3 times to ask me to go, that I wasn't going and theres nothing she can do about it.
Later she asked me why I didn't want to go, and started calling me "antisocial" and saying that I need to be more social. Here was my response:
"I only socialize with those in which I HAVE to or I WANT to."
That is so fucking true though. If I am talking to you it is either because I have to or I want to.
I don't engage in weird "pleasentries" with randoms. No. If you seem nice and I want to, then I will.
Okay, but back about authority controlling me. I was thinking... I have issues with authority.. but not teachers. I will listen to them... right?
Well I realized no, I really don't. If a teacher tells me to do something I don't want to do, I will tell them to shove it. I have before. Just not in a mean way. But I have sort of scoffed at annoying teachers. I.E: Mrs. Mao. Some supply teachers too. Most of my teachers respect me and I respect them, and they don't try to boss me around, so therefore I don't need to get angry at them for being dumbasses.
My actual bosses at work, well thats different. But also, they don't tell me what to do, and when they do, its because they are paying me. Obviously that is okay.
Even police I would willingly tell off. Depending on the situation.
I just hate it when people think they have authority over you. You may be like "Well they do..." well thats what you believe. If you EVER want equality, then it has to be extreme.
I keep telling my mom how I am going to raise my kids and shes all like "You'll change your mind."
She thinks that my thoughts are just a phase or something.
That explains why they've always been there...
Just a life-long phase.
Fuck it.
Fuck us all because thats all we want.
Life is good if you make it good.
Life Advice: Hug someone
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