For the past while I have been considering doing something with my hair. But I am not sure. I want it to be shorter so it is easier to maintain. I can picture what I want it to look like, but my hair is not the same texture or thickness. I like people's hair like Tina Fey's, but that hair would not look the same on my face. I think long hair suits me, and I like it. It tends to be the feature that I am recognized for. Its not that I don't like long hair, I just want a change.
A lot of people are going to think "Well, just cut it!". Its not even like that. Girls with long hair... its like more then "just hair" to them. I understand how weird that sounds. But a lot of girls with longer hair, or really nice hair are really concerned and scared of changing it. This one girl, Colette I watch on youtube has longer hair than me. She was going to get like 10 inches cut off, making it somewhat just at her mid chest. She was doing was doing it spontaneously, but then started crying before the girl started cutting her hair, and ended up with either 4 or 6 inches off (I forget).
I was thinking of dying half of it, not myself though. I forget what its called, but having your hair two toned, like the top of your hair one colour and underneath another colour. I would get underneath a dark brown or even black. I also considered getting multicoloured lowlites, like black and 2 different browns. Maybe 1 of them a highlight. But its still like "Ahh!" to me.
My mom does not want me to change my hair. She doesn't control me, but whenver I talk about dying my hair, she reacts in a manor like she is going to disown me or something. Its actually crazy, we always get into a fight.
I am not really into piercings, but I have considered a few. I definately DO NOT want a nose, tongue or belly button piercing.
Since about.. grade 8 I thought an eye brow piercing would be neat. On the outer corner of my left eyebrow. Like this:
I think its cute. I didn't want it because I was afraid of being judged, especially by people at work. But then the other day I saw an adult with an eye brown piercing. She has a respectable job and everything which made me think "Who cares!". I didn't tell my mom about this. She would flip.
But technically, I can legally get it done whenever. But I am still not sure if I am. I wonder how it heals if I decide I don't want it anymore.
I have also considered a different ear piercing, I like the Daith and the Tragus. But I don't think I'll get those done.
But heres the main thing. The thing I KNOW I am going to do. I am going to get a tattoo. Obviously once I turn 18. But I think I blogged it before. I am definitely doing it now. I told my mom, and she actually HATES TATTOOS SO MUCH (no freakign duh). But my uncle has a family crest, its not weird, she hates it. Her friend has a memorial type thing to her son who died on her ankle, my mom doesn't like that.
I am getting this (ish )on my left hand pointer finger on a certain spot.
I am getting a silhoutte of a humming bird, somewhat like this one. But I want it refersed so the head of the bird is facing my middle finger and not my thumb.
I am getting it where it says "II"
So yeah, its going to be REALLY SMALL.
But I want it :).
I also decided that I want a tattoo on my ring finger when I get married. People are going to be all like "Well what if you get divorced." Thats not in my plan. If I truly love the guy, then getting a tattoo dedicated to him won't be a big deal. If things change in the future, theres always tattoo removal.
This tattoo might hurt though, because its on my hand. But oh well.
Besides that, I might get some other small tattoos on my hands (I love how I want them on my hands...).
I might get something on my side or my hip bone, or my lower stomach, later in life. But I don't know what yet.
And I am eventually going to do SOMETHING with my hair. I don't know about that piercing yet though. I am still debating it.
But peace ! :)
Life Advice: Next time you set a goal, imagine yourself completing that goal inside your head and try to picture it as clearly as possible, it will help motivate you more.
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