So the other day in law we learned what "NCR" meant. Not criminally responsible. It basically means, if you have a mental disorder or disease that you are not criminally responsible for a crime. For example, let's say someone killed someone, but it was caused by an effect of a psychological disorder they are diagnosed with. They won't go to jail.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think they should go to jail. Yes, of course, they have a mental disease.
Now let me ask you a question? Do you find murder normal?
Oh, your answer is.. no? Okay. So now that we have established that Murder is not normal...
Are murderers normal people? No? I mean, who in their RIGHT MIND WOULD MURDER SOMEONE.
Let's face it, laws are determined by the government, society, etc.
Let me just get straight to my point: If you have murdered a human being YOU HAVE A MENTAL DISEASE.
If you think that it is societally acceptable and you are completely willing to murder a human being, you are mentally disabled.
Does that therefore make you NCR? In my mind, yes.
Because if you are sick and twisted enough to think that murder is okay, then you have a disorder. So, therefore, EVERY MURDER CAN USE NCR AS A DEFENCE.
Law is dumb.
Oh, I didn't originally think of this idea. My Triology teacher was discussing it with us once. She wasn't comparing it to NCR though. But its basically the same thing.
Its just the same thing as when she was convincing us that numbers are just a figment of our imagination. I am still only one of the only people that gets it.
Life Advice: If society calls you crazy, know that you are not, society just misunderstands you.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Body Adjustments + Beauty
I have never really made a blog post about things such as beauty and makeup and tattoos, and piercings. I only talk about my body and the gym, but never other things. Sometimes I talk about my hair. But I want to talk about a couple of things.
For the past while I have been considering doing something with my hair. But I am not sure. I want it to be shorter so it is easier to maintain. I can picture what I want it to look like, but my hair is not the same texture or thickness. I like people's hair like Tina Fey's, but that hair would not look the same on my face. I think long hair suits me, and I like it. It tends to be the feature that I am recognized for. Its not that I don't like long hair, I just want a change.
A lot of people are going to think "Well, just cut it!". Its not even like that. Girls with long hair... its like more then "just hair" to them. I understand how weird that sounds. But a lot of girls with longer hair, or really nice hair are really concerned and scared of changing it. This one girl, Colette I watch on youtube has longer hair than me. She was going to get like 10 inches cut off, making it somewhat just at her mid chest. She was doing was doing it spontaneously, but then started crying before the girl started cutting her hair, and ended up with either 4 or 6 inches off (I forget).
I was thinking of dying half of it, not myself though. I forget what its called, but having your hair two toned, like the top of your hair one colour and underneath another colour. I would get underneath a dark brown or even black. I also considered getting multicoloured lowlites, like black and 2 different browns. Maybe 1 of them a highlight. But its still like "Ahh!" to me.
My mom does not want me to change my hair. She doesn't control me, but whenver I talk about dying my hair, she reacts in a manor like she is going to disown me or something. Its actually crazy, we always get into a fight.
I am not really into piercings, but I have considered a few. I definately DO NOT want a nose, tongue or belly button piercing.
Since about.. grade 8 I thought an eye brow piercing would be neat. On the outer corner of my left eyebrow. Like this:
I think its cute. I didn't want it because I was afraid of being judged, especially by people at work. But then the other day I saw an adult with an eye brown piercing. She has a respectable job and everything which made me think "Who cares!". I didn't tell my mom about this. She would flip.
But technically, I can legally get it done whenever. But I am still not sure if I am. I wonder how it heals if I decide I don't want it anymore.
I have also considered a different ear piercing, I like the Daith and the Tragus. But I don't think I'll get those done.

But heres the main thing. The thing I KNOW I am going to do. I am going to get a tattoo. Obviously once I turn 18. But I think I blogged it before. I am definitely doing it now. I told my mom, and she actually HATES TATTOOS SO MUCH (no freakign duh). But my uncle has a family crest, its not weird, she hates it. Her friend has a memorial type thing to her son who died on her ankle, my mom doesn't like that.
I am getting this (ish )on my left hand pointer finger on a certain spot.
I am getting a silhoutte of a humming bird, somewhat like this one. But I want it refersed so the head of the bird is facing my middle finger and not my thumb.

I am getting it where it says "II"

So yeah, its going to be REALLY SMALL.
But I want it :).
I also decided that I want a tattoo on my ring finger when I get married. People are going to be all like "Well what if you get divorced." Thats not in my plan. If I truly love the guy, then getting a tattoo dedicated to him won't be a big deal. If things change in the future, theres always tattoo removal.
This tattoo might hurt though, because its on my hand. But oh well.
Besides that, I might get some other small tattoos on my hands (I love how I want them on my hands...).
I might get something on my side or my hip bone, or my lower stomach, later in life. But I don't know what yet.
And I am eventually going to do SOMETHING with my hair. I don't know about that piercing yet though. I am still debating it.
But peace ! :)
Life Advice: Next time you set a goal, imagine yourself completing that goal inside your head and try to picture it as clearly as possible, it will help motivate you more.
For the past while I have been considering doing something with my hair. But I am not sure. I want it to be shorter so it is easier to maintain. I can picture what I want it to look like, but my hair is not the same texture or thickness. I like people's hair like Tina Fey's, but that hair would not look the same on my face. I think long hair suits me, and I like it. It tends to be the feature that I am recognized for. Its not that I don't like long hair, I just want a change.
A lot of people are going to think "Well, just cut it!". Its not even like that. Girls with long hair... its like more then "just hair" to them. I understand how weird that sounds. But a lot of girls with longer hair, or really nice hair are really concerned and scared of changing it. This one girl, Colette I watch on youtube has longer hair than me. She was going to get like 10 inches cut off, making it somewhat just at her mid chest. She was doing was doing it spontaneously, but then started crying before the girl started cutting her hair, and ended up with either 4 or 6 inches off (I forget).
I was thinking of dying half of it, not myself though. I forget what its called, but having your hair two toned, like the top of your hair one colour and underneath another colour. I would get underneath a dark brown or even black. I also considered getting multicoloured lowlites, like black and 2 different browns. Maybe 1 of them a highlight. But its still like "Ahh!" to me.
My mom does not want me to change my hair. She doesn't control me, but whenver I talk about dying my hair, she reacts in a manor like she is going to disown me or something. Its actually crazy, we always get into a fight.
I am not really into piercings, but I have considered a few. I definately DO NOT want a nose, tongue or belly button piercing.
Since about.. grade 8 I thought an eye brow piercing would be neat. On the outer corner of my left eyebrow. Like this:
I think its cute. I didn't want it because I was afraid of being judged, especially by people at work. But then the other day I saw an adult with an eye brown piercing. She has a respectable job and everything which made me think "Who cares!". I didn't tell my mom about this. She would flip.
But technically, I can legally get it done whenever. But I am still not sure if I am. I wonder how it heals if I decide I don't want it anymore.
I have also considered a different ear piercing, I like the Daith and the Tragus. But I don't think I'll get those done.
But heres the main thing. The thing I KNOW I am going to do. I am going to get a tattoo. Obviously once I turn 18. But I think I blogged it before. I am definitely doing it now. I told my mom, and she actually HATES TATTOOS SO MUCH (no freakign duh). But my uncle has a family crest, its not weird, she hates it. Her friend has a memorial type thing to her son who died on her ankle, my mom doesn't like that.
I am getting this (ish )on my left hand pointer finger on a certain spot.
I am getting a silhoutte of a humming bird, somewhat like this one. But I want it refersed so the head of the bird is facing my middle finger and not my thumb.
I am getting it where it says "II"
So yeah, its going to be REALLY SMALL.
But I want it :).
I also decided that I want a tattoo on my ring finger when I get married. People are going to be all like "Well what if you get divorced." Thats not in my plan. If I truly love the guy, then getting a tattoo dedicated to him won't be a big deal. If things change in the future, theres always tattoo removal.
This tattoo might hurt though, because its on my hand. But oh well.
Besides that, I might get some other small tattoos on my hands (I love how I want them on my hands...).
I might get something on my side or my hip bone, or my lower stomach, later in life. But I don't know what yet.
And I am eventually going to do SOMETHING with my hair. I don't know about that piercing yet though. I am still debating it.
But peace ! :)
Life Advice: Next time you set a goal, imagine yourself completing that goal inside your head and try to picture it as clearly as possible, it will help motivate you more.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
PHILOSOPHY --- this took me more than one day to write.
So. I am really into philosophy lately, if you haven't noticed. But I am on a wait list to take it on online school this summer. So I am excited. Anyways, so I just looked up some lists of random philosophical questions that I thought would be cool to blog my answers to
Is there a supreme being?
No. The reason why so many believe there is one is because people are always taught to look up to elders and other people in their life, so they ultimately cannot imagine a life without a higher power. So basically, people think at the end of the hierarchal chain, there must be something. I believe there is nothing.
Is the man the highest fruit of the universe or is he just an insignificant speck in infinite space- or something in between?
Whether or not the man is the "highest fruit" of the universe is insignificant in itself. If man is a speck to another being in another universe, should that not matter to the significant fact that we are significant to each other?
What is mind; what is thought?
Mind is what creates thoughts. Thoughts are created by the mind. The mind gathers information from literally anywhere. The majority of thoughts produced are based off of experiences from the man.
Is thought real?
Thought must be real or else humans would not have evolved as greatly as they have. Most thoughts aren't unique, but some must be or else humans would not have developed things such as tool and speech.
Where do ideas come from?
Ideas come from personal experiences.
IS man a creator and mover of his life, or does he live at the effect of forces over which he has little control?
(Sidenote: As a child I used to question this.... A LOT... I used to believe life was written in a book, forseeably the bible, and that life was just one big story that I could not control).
Now, I believe that man has the ability to create and move his life, but the average man does not and allows "forces" around him, such as society and law, limit his control of his own life. I do not believe a god or idol controls any aspect of life.
Is everything pre-determined from the beginning of time?
I believe not because I do not believe in gods.
What is good?
Good is what people interpret from things they personally assume are good. One's good to themself is different from another man's good. For example, one man may believe thought to be good, but another not.
What is evil?
Evil is the opposite of good. Evil is the idea that a person puts negatively towards and object or thing. Again, it is different for every person.
What is ethical?
Ethical is a person's personal belief of what is acceptable and respected in practices towards other beings, live or not.
Who decides good and bad, and right and wrong and by what standard?
The individual decides good and bad and right and wrong. They themself have a personal opinion about what is good/bad right/wrong, that usually is influenced by the decision of those around them, i.e., society. Although the person's decision is ultimately based upon their own thought, the average person believes things good and bad right and wrong similar to the teachings of the christian church.
Should good and bad be determined by custom, rational law, or by the situation?
Good and bad should be determined by the situation... or even the individual.
What if the decisions of others (societies, authorities, laws, etc) determining good and bad are contrary to one's personal beliefs or freedoms?
Then that person is screwed (like me). I believe that the only law, rule or freedom is the right to life your life however you want. The only way you can break a law is if you kill someone, because you revoked their right to live.
So basically, if a person like me has separate beliefs, they are completely disregarded by society, and specifically Canadian law.
Should you obey others or follow your own conscience?
Follow your own conscience because if you follow others, you don't even have a conscience.
What is a "good life"?
A good life is the time period in which you are alive and you have positive emotions that you like towards aspects of your life.
What would a utopian society look like?
No laws, no rulers. As I said, the only law you can break is murdering someone because you are taking away their right to live
Is it even possible?
Nothing is impossible.
What should you do with people who don't cooperate and violate the Utopian system?
Since I said the only law is no murdering, if you murdered, you would lose your right to live. therefore any other person can kill you, without losing their right to live.
If you control or punish them ,is there no longer a utopia?
In my mind it is a utopia. But I would be easily acceptable to have absolutely no laws and have even murder, legal.
What is the ideal relation between the individual and the state?
Completely separate. The Individual is the state, but the state tries to control the individual, therefore the state tries to deny the individual. Therefore, there should be no state.
Should the individual serve the state or the state serve the individual?
The individual should serve the individual.
What is the best form of government, and the worst?
Best: None. No government allows the person to be completely free. The Worst: Dictatorship. this is because the dictator thinks they know correct for all, when everyone knows correct for them self.
When is a man justified in rebelling against the established order and creating a new state?
If I understand this question correctly, the man is justified in rebelling against established order whenever he feels it is right to do so. Why is it the state that can say when or when not a man can rebel against the state? Logic should apply here.
What is education?
Education is providing information and knowledge and lessons towards another, from anything, a book, a human, a plant, anything.
How should the young be educated- what is important and what is not?
The young should be educated in whatever way fits the person. If a school fits the individual, then through a school. If being self-taught fits them, then allow them to self-teach. What is important relies strictly on the individual and their own things they like.
Who should control the education; parent, student, society or state?
The student. They should control their own education, parents society and the state have nothing to do with what the individual student wants to learn. If a person is being educated they should choose how. Its just like me trying to instruct you on what to wear. I am forcing a sweater onto you, you don't want.
Should a student be taught to think for himself or to adopt the beliefs of the society?
Obviously think for them self. If a thought was never thought for one self then a society would have never been established. Society came from the individual. The self is what creates society, although the self is also now biased by society.
What happens at death?
At death your soul and your body detach from each other. The soul is something that is used on a daily basis, yet most individuals do not access it because they do not believe it exists. If a person believes the soul does not exist, than their soul does not exist. At death your soul continues on forever, whether in the form of another being, part of another being, a guide, or as a negative life.
Does a soul in man continue beyond death?
It does. The soul is what is really life, and the soul is your legacy on earth, that never leaves unless you make it so.
Is the soul immortal, or does it too cease to exist?
The soul is immortal to only those who believe it is. If somebody believes the soul dies, then their soul may die.
Is good and bad punishable at death?
Good and bad is unable to be punishable at death because everybody can and does have a different idea and perspective of what good and bad is, therefore it cannot be judged at death for what is good and what is bad. Because in the end there is no actual good or actual bad, except to the specific individual. Although usual traces of good and bad are practiced, usually based upon christian teachings in western society, every person has the ability to a different belief of good and bad, and therefore it is not punishable at death.
Is there a supreme being?
No. The reason why so many believe there is one is because people are always taught to look up to elders and other people in their life, so they ultimately cannot imagine a life without a higher power. So basically, people think at the end of the hierarchal chain, there must be something. I believe there is nothing.
Is the man the highest fruit of the universe or is he just an insignificant speck in infinite space- or something in between?
Whether or not the man is the "highest fruit" of the universe is insignificant in itself. If man is a speck to another being in another universe, should that not matter to the significant fact that we are significant to each other?
What is mind; what is thought?
Mind is what creates thoughts. Thoughts are created by the mind. The mind gathers information from literally anywhere. The majority of thoughts produced are based off of experiences from the man.
Is thought real?
Thought must be real or else humans would not have evolved as greatly as they have. Most thoughts aren't unique, but some must be or else humans would not have developed things such as tool and speech.
Where do ideas come from?
Ideas come from personal experiences.
IS man a creator and mover of his life, or does he live at the effect of forces over which he has little control?
(Sidenote: As a child I used to question this.... A LOT... I used to believe life was written in a book, forseeably the bible, and that life was just one big story that I could not control).
Now, I believe that man has the ability to create and move his life, but the average man does not and allows "forces" around him, such as society and law, limit his control of his own life. I do not believe a god or idol controls any aspect of life.
Is everything pre-determined from the beginning of time?
I believe not because I do not believe in gods.
What is good?
Good is what people interpret from things they personally assume are good. One's good to themself is different from another man's good. For example, one man may believe thought to be good, but another not.
What is evil?
Evil is the opposite of good. Evil is the idea that a person puts negatively towards and object or thing. Again, it is different for every person.
What is ethical?
Ethical is a person's personal belief of what is acceptable and respected in practices towards other beings, live or not.
Who decides good and bad, and right and wrong and by what standard?
The individual decides good and bad and right and wrong. They themself have a personal opinion about what is good/bad right/wrong, that usually is influenced by the decision of those around them, i.e., society. Although the person's decision is ultimately based upon their own thought, the average person believes things good and bad right and wrong similar to the teachings of the christian church.
Should good and bad be determined by custom, rational law, or by the situation?
Good and bad should be determined by the situation... or even the individual.
What if the decisions of others (societies, authorities, laws, etc) determining good and bad are contrary to one's personal beliefs or freedoms?
Then that person is screwed (like me). I believe that the only law, rule or freedom is the right to life your life however you want. The only way you can break a law is if you kill someone, because you revoked their right to live.
So basically, if a person like me has separate beliefs, they are completely disregarded by society, and specifically Canadian law.
Should you obey others or follow your own conscience?
Follow your own conscience because if you follow others, you don't even have a conscience.
What is a "good life"?
A good life is the time period in which you are alive and you have positive emotions that you like towards aspects of your life.
What would a utopian society look like?
No laws, no rulers. As I said, the only law you can break is murdering someone because you are taking away their right to live
Is it even possible?
Nothing is impossible.
What should you do with people who don't cooperate and violate the Utopian system?
Since I said the only law is no murdering, if you murdered, you would lose your right to live. therefore any other person can kill you, without losing their right to live.
If you control or punish them ,is there no longer a utopia?
In my mind it is a utopia. But I would be easily acceptable to have absolutely no laws and have even murder, legal.
What is the ideal relation between the individual and the state?
Completely separate. The Individual is the state, but the state tries to control the individual, therefore the state tries to deny the individual. Therefore, there should be no state.
Should the individual serve the state or the state serve the individual?
The individual should serve the individual.
What is the best form of government, and the worst?
Best: None. No government allows the person to be completely free. The Worst: Dictatorship. this is because the dictator thinks they know correct for all, when everyone knows correct for them self.
When is a man justified in rebelling against the established order and creating a new state?
If I understand this question correctly, the man is justified in rebelling against established order whenever he feels it is right to do so. Why is it the state that can say when or when not a man can rebel against the state? Logic should apply here.
What is education?
Education is providing information and knowledge and lessons towards another, from anything, a book, a human, a plant, anything.
How should the young be educated- what is important and what is not?
The young should be educated in whatever way fits the person. If a school fits the individual, then through a school. If being self-taught fits them, then allow them to self-teach. What is important relies strictly on the individual and their own things they like.
Who should control the education; parent, student, society or state?
The student. They should control their own education, parents society and the state have nothing to do with what the individual student wants to learn. If a person is being educated they should choose how. Its just like me trying to instruct you on what to wear. I am forcing a sweater onto you, you don't want.
Should a student be taught to think for himself or to adopt the beliefs of the society?
Obviously think for them self. If a thought was never thought for one self then a society would have never been established. Society came from the individual. The self is what creates society, although the self is also now biased by society.
What happens at death?
At death your soul and your body detach from each other. The soul is something that is used on a daily basis, yet most individuals do not access it because they do not believe it exists. If a person believes the soul does not exist, than their soul does not exist. At death your soul continues on forever, whether in the form of another being, part of another being, a guide, or as a negative life.
Does a soul in man continue beyond death?
It does. The soul is what is really life, and the soul is your legacy on earth, that never leaves unless you make it so.
Is the soul immortal, or does it too cease to exist?
The soul is immortal to only those who believe it is. If somebody believes the soul dies, then their soul may die.
Is good and bad punishable at death?
Good and bad is unable to be punishable at death because everybody can and does have a different idea and perspective of what good and bad is, therefore it cannot be judged at death for what is good and what is bad. Because in the end there is no actual good or actual bad, except to the specific individual. Although usual traces of good and bad are practiced, usually based upon christian teachings in western society, every person has the ability to a different belief of good and bad, and therefore it is not punishable at death.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Individualism + Motivation
Okay. Since I am literally the most ambitious and motivated person I know (I am not even kidding) I am going to make a blog post about motivation. And Goals. And Ambition. And Individualism.
Okay, so you all remember goal making in... life.. and... maybe your careers class in highschool or something? Yeah. Well heres the thing.
You want to do something. You want to, but somehow you just simply can't. Its tough. I understand.
But yes, it is tough, but the only way to do that thing... is to do it. No matter how hard you procrastinate... if will not get done if you don't do it. So why not do it now?
That was way too simple, right? Yeah. Here goes everything:
MAKE A GOAL NOW. MAKE IT. NOW. I am not even kidding you. Make a goal.
What do you want to achieve? A workout goal? School? Life in general?
I will use my marathon goal as an example.
So my goal is to run a marathon (26.2 miles) before the end of 2013.
That is a pretty big goal, right? Yeah. Okay.
So I set a deadline, now you set a deadline for your goal.
Now you need to literally break it down into steps. Like I can't just say I will be able to run a marathon. No, I need to train.
Make mini goals to go with your main goal.
One of mine will be to run 10km on land before the end of may (unless my leg doesn't heal by then).
After that my goal will be to run non-stop for 1 hour and a half. (so probably like 10 miles).
You know what.
JUST FUCKING DO IT. Literally start now. I am not even kidding you. Drop whatever you are doing and start. If you want to do your assignment, then do it. If you made a goal to talk to a boy... then call him.
I say "JUST DO IT" so often to myself. It works... if you are motivated.
But you may be like okay, just do it, okay I made a goal. But I'm not motivated.
I am not going to sit here and tell you how to get motivated, Because I literally cannot. Only you know how. What will motivate you to complete your goal? How do you motivate yourself? Do you not know? Then make something up.
You have to have REASON behind your goal. Why did you make your goal? Why do you want to accomplish it? This, you REALLY have to dig deep into.
Let's say you made a goal to make honour roll. Why? Maybe to impress your parents, get into university, because you love to learn, etc.
I made my goal to run a marathon because I want to be in tip top physical condition because I love being healthy. As well, I do watch this guy on youtube that just ran one. I think it would be an amazing accomplishment. Plus, it would be amazing to be able to say that I have ran a marathon.
Motivate yourself.
Just. Literally. Do it. Thats literally all you need to know.
Now, how individualism ties into this? Well if you don't remember from previous rants, individualism is basically being self-reliant in life and self-motivating etc. I want you to look up individualism.
I think that if you REALLY want to motivate yourself, you need to be at least a little bit of an individualist.
Some people need other people to motivate themself. I don't. But if you do, tell someone your goal. That will actually work really well. Like if you say that you want to lose 20 pounds. Well, lets start with 5. You can probably lose 5 pounds in maybe a month, but lets give you 8 weeks. 8 Weeks, 5 pounds. Okay. Now tell that goal to someone you trust. If they know about that goal, they might be able to help you eat healthy or workout with you. Maybe they can just remind you of it and help you stay on track.
I don't know. I am super tired and I need sleep. I might make a part 2 of this blog tomorrow.
Good night.
Life Advice: JUST FUCKING DO IT. Whether its one more rep at the gym, completing university, or launching a spaceship. Just do it. Don't let people judge you. Don't be hard on yourself. Just get it over and done with.
Okay, so you all remember goal making in... life.. and... maybe your careers class in highschool or something? Yeah. Well heres the thing.
You want to do something. You want to, but somehow you just simply can't. Its tough. I understand.
But yes, it is tough, but the only way to do that thing... is to do it. No matter how hard you procrastinate... if will not get done if you don't do it. So why not do it now?
That was way too simple, right? Yeah. Here goes everything:
MAKE A GOAL NOW. MAKE IT. NOW. I am not even kidding you. Make a goal.
What do you want to achieve? A workout goal? School? Life in general?
I will use my marathon goal as an example.
So my goal is to run a marathon (26.2 miles) before the end of 2013.
That is a pretty big goal, right? Yeah. Okay.
So I set a deadline, now you set a deadline for your goal.
Now you need to literally break it down into steps. Like I can't just say I will be able to run a marathon. No, I need to train.
Make mini goals to go with your main goal.
One of mine will be to run 10km on land before the end of may (unless my leg doesn't heal by then).
After that my goal will be to run non-stop for 1 hour and a half. (so probably like 10 miles).
You know what.
JUST FUCKING DO IT. Literally start now. I am not even kidding you. Drop whatever you are doing and start. If you want to do your assignment, then do it. If you made a goal to talk to a boy... then call him.
I say "JUST DO IT" so often to myself. It works... if you are motivated.
But you may be like okay, just do it, okay I made a goal. But I'm not motivated.
I am not going to sit here and tell you how to get motivated, Because I literally cannot. Only you know how. What will motivate you to complete your goal? How do you motivate yourself? Do you not know? Then make something up.
You have to have REASON behind your goal. Why did you make your goal? Why do you want to accomplish it? This, you REALLY have to dig deep into.
Let's say you made a goal to make honour roll. Why? Maybe to impress your parents, get into university, because you love to learn, etc.
I made my goal to run a marathon because I want to be in tip top physical condition because I love being healthy. As well, I do watch this guy on youtube that just ran one. I think it would be an amazing accomplishment. Plus, it would be amazing to be able to say that I have ran a marathon.
Motivate yourself.
Just. Literally. Do it. Thats literally all you need to know.
Now, how individualism ties into this? Well if you don't remember from previous rants, individualism is basically being self-reliant in life and self-motivating etc. I want you to look up individualism.
I think that if you REALLY want to motivate yourself, you need to be at least a little bit of an individualist.
Some people need other people to motivate themself. I don't. But if you do, tell someone your goal. That will actually work really well. Like if you say that you want to lose 20 pounds. Well, lets start with 5. You can probably lose 5 pounds in maybe a month, but lets give you 8 weeks. 8 Weeks, 5 pounds. Okay. Now tell that goal to someone you trust. If they know about that goal, they might be able to help you eat healthy or workout with you. Maybe they can just remind you of it and help you stay on track.
I don't know. I am super tired and I need sleep. I might make a part 2 of this blog tomorrow.
Good night.
Life Advice: JUST FUCKING DO IT. Whether its one more rep at the gym, completing university, or launching a spaceship. Just do it. Don't let people judge you. Don't be hard on yourself. Just get it over and done with.
Monday, May 21, 2012
I always feel the need to blog. But sometimes I just have nothing to say. I feel like I haven't blogged in forever, but its just been a week.
But also, as I have mentioned several times before, I always feel the need to blog about serious things. I mean, there are so many things I *could* talk about to make a really "juicy" blog post, but no thanks.
So what is new...
Well today I had a dizzy spell. That was fun. It is probably one of the following things:
1. Dehydrated.. I don't think this is the case, but water helped a little.
2. Not enough calories. This does make sense, because I didn't even realize until 15 minutes AFTEr my dizzy spell that I hadn't eaten enough today. It wasn't even on purpose. It is not like me to do this
3. I looked on some website and it says that ear infections can cause dizzy spells. I guess that is a possibility.
But I ate some food and so now I feel fine and whatever.
I've been wanting to do friends. Let me rephrase. I have been wanting to do things with friends. OMYFUCKINGGODMYBRAINISFUCKED
I have been wanting to interact socially with some friends of mine lately. There we go. That works. God my brain...
"God". Haha.
Anyways, but I haven't. Everyone is workin n' shit. So life sucks. JK I went shopping and bought the world.
I can't believe that school is almost over! Every goddam year. It still feels like Semester 1 was yesterday. Actually, it doesn't. I said "Hi" to one of my teachers from last semester the other day and I was just like OHMYGOD that was soo long ago.
Next week is sooo exciting. I guess that would be *this week*.
Sunday (Well.. OMG ITS MONDAY NOW) Well Sunday I did a little homework, went shopping, wen to the gym and went to the movies.
Today! Monday, I will finish my history essay... and either start my english game board, start my history presentation, or write my law essay. I am also going to the cemetary with my cousin and my uncle and my mom so THEY can plant flowers. I am not fucking touching any fucking dirt and if my uncle makes me I will throw it at him..
DIGRESSION. Ohkay, So... I am just now reminding myself to blog about "getting what I want" after I am done saying what I am doing everyday.
Tuesday I have school and work.
Wednesday I have school then I'm going to the gym. IF my shins are better by then I might go running.
Thursday is the symposium! And then I am likely going to Moira idol! Thursday will be EPIC!
FRIDAY! What am I doing? I don't know! I might go to Kingston. Maybe drag some people with me if they are not working. AND GO SEE KASI AND GYTHA (maybe.) If my mom takes me.
Saturday I work.
Okay. Getting what i want, thats not what I wanted to blog about, that would just remind me.
I am bossy to people who try to control me. I have this thing about hierarchy and adults trying to control me. I just hate it. My mom tried to get me to go over to my neighbours house today (my neighbour actually knew my 2 uncles and my mom sort of in high school and she moved in about 6 monthsish ago) so my uncles and my cousin were over for a bbq, and my mom went over. She tried to get me to go over. Uhh, no thanks. No. Just no. I don't want to socialize with my family at a strangers house with my cousin being all hyper and stuff. Fuck no.
Of course my mom was angry, but she basically figured out after walking in and out of my room like 3 times to ask me to go, that I wasn't going and theres nothing she can do about it.
Later she asked me why I didn't want to go, and started calling me "antisocial" and saying that I need to be more social. Here was my response:
"I only socialize with those in which I HAVE to or I WANT to."
That is so fucking true though. If I am talking to you it is either because I have to or I want to.
I don't engage in weird "pleasentries" with randoms. No. If you seem nice and I want to, then I will.
Okay, but back about authority controlling me. I was thinking... I have issues with authority.. but not teachers. I will listen to them... right?
Well I realized no, I really don't. If a teacher tells me to do something I don't want to do, I will tell them to shove it. I have before. Just not in a mean way. But I have sort of scoffed at annoying teachers. I.E: Mrs. Mao. Some supply teachers too. Most of my teachers respect me and I respect them, and they don't try to boss me around, so therefore I don't need to get angry at them for being dumbasses.
My actual bosses at work, well thats different. But also, they don't tell me what to do, and when they do, its because they are paying me. Obviously that is okay.
Even police I would willingly tell off. Depending on the situation.
I just hate it when people think they have authority over you. You may be like "Well they do..." well thats what you believe. If you EVER want equality, then it has to be extreme.
I keep telling my mom how I am going to raise my kids and shes all like "You'll change your mind."
She thinks that my thoughts are just a phase or something.
That explains why they've always been there...
Just a life-long phase.
Fuck it.
Fuck us all because thats all we want.
Life is good if you make it good.
Life Advice: Hug someone
But also, as I have mentioned several times before, I always feel the need to blog about serious things. I mean, there are so many things I *could* talk about to make a really "juicy" blog post, but no thanks.
So what is new...
Well today I had a dizzy spell. That was fun. It is probably one of the following things:
1. Dehydrated.. I don't think this is the case, but water helped a little.
2. Not enough calories. This does make sense, because I didn't even realize until 15 minutes AFTEr my dizzy spell that I hadn't eaten enough today. It wasn't even on purpose. It is not like me to do this
3. I looked on some website and it says that ear infections can cause dizzy spells. I guess that is a possibility.
But I ate some food and so now I feel fine and whatever.
I've been wanting to do friends. Let me rephrase. I have been wanting to do things with friends. OMYFUCKINGGODMYBRAINISFUCKED
I have been wanting to interact socially with some friends of mine lately. There we go. That works. God my brain...
"God". Haha.
Anyways, but I haven't. Everyone is workin n' shit. So life sucks. JK I went shopping and bought the world.
I can't believe that school is almost over! Every goddam year. It still feels like Semester 1 was yesterday. Actually, it doesn't. I said "Hi" to one of my teachers from last semester the other day and I was just like OHMYGOD that was soo long ago.
Next week is sooo exciting. I guess that would be *this week*.
Sunday (Well.. OMG ITS MONDAY NOW) Well Sunday I did a little homework, went shopping, wen to the gym and went to the movies.
Today! Monday, I will finish my history essay... and either start my english game board, start my history presentation, or write my law essay. I am also going to the cemetary with my cousin and my uncle and my mom so THEY can plant flowers. I am not fucking touching any fucking dirt and if my uncle makes me I will throw it at him..
DIGRESSION. Ohkay, So... I am just now reminding myself to blog about "getting what I want" after I am done saying what I am doing everyday.
Tuesday I have school and work.
Wednesday I have school then I'm going to the gym. IF my shins are better by then I might go running.
Thursday is the symposium! And then I am likely going to Moira idol! Thursday will be EPIC!
FRIDAY! What am I doing? I don't know! I might go to Kingston. Maybe drag some people with me if they are not working. AND GO SEE KASI AND GYTHA (maybe.) If my mom takes me.
Saturday I work.
Okay. Getting what i want, thats not what I wanted to blog about, that would just remind me.
I am bossy to people who try to control me. I have this thing about hierarchy and adults trying to control me. I just hate it. My mom tried to get me to go over to my neighbours house today (my neighbour actually knew my 2 uncles and my mom sort of in high school and she moved in about 6 monthsish ago) so my uncles and my cousin were over for a bbq, and my mom went over. She tried to get me to go over. Uhh, no thanks. No. Just no. I don't want to socialize with my family at a strangers house with my cousin being all hyper and stuff. Fuck no.
Of course my mom was angry, but she basically figured out after walking in and out of my room like 3 times to ask me to go, that I wasn't going and theres nothing she can do about it.
Later she asked me why I didn't want to go, and started calling me "antisocial" and saying that I need to be more social. Here was my response:
"I only socialize with those in which I HAVE to or I WANT to."
That is so fucking true though. If I am talking to you it is either because I have to or I want to.
I don't engage in weird "pleasentries" with randoms. No. If you seem nice and I want to, then I will.
Okay, but back about authority controlling me. I was thinking... I have issues with authority.. but not teachers. I will listen to them... right?
Well I realized no, I really don't. If a teacher tells me to do something I don't want to do, I will tell them to shove it. I have before. Just not in a mean way. But I have sort of scoffed at annoying teachers. I.E: Mrs. Mao. Some supply teachers too. Most of my teachers respect me and I respect them, and they don't try to boss me around, so therefore I don't need to get angry at them for being dumbasses.
My actual bosses at work, well thats different. But also, they don't tell me what to do, and when they do, its because they are paying me. Obviously that is okay.
Even police I would willingly tell off. Depending on the situation.
I just hate it when people think they have authority over you. You may be like "Well they do..." well thats what you believe. If you EVER want equality, then it has to be extreme.
I keep telling my mom how I am going to raise my kids and shes all like "You'll change your mind."
She thinks that my thoughts are just a phase or something.
That explains why they've always been there...
Just a life-long phase.
Fuck it.
Fuck us all because thats all we want.
Life is good if you make it good.
Life Advice: Hug someone
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I've been meaning to blog
But I haven't been. Yikes? Naw, not really. I have blogged a BUNCH actually, but they've been those weird creepy/depressing blogs, then I don't publish them.
I decided to blog "20 Things that have been on my mind recently". By recently, I am talking about... well recently. Like today. Some of the things I have been thinking for 2 days some for 2 years... so here goes. (In No particular order)
I've been thinking of a certain person... well two people, for the past.. while. One for like 2 or 3 months and the other for like... a full on year off and on.
I've been thinking about university and post secondary education a lot, since I decided I want to be a highschool teacher now too. As well, adults keep harassing me about which university I want to go to. Am I supposed to know this? I used to say waterloo. But now I am not sure. I am thinking of the following right now though:
Waterloo, Trent, Carleton, Guelph
I feel like I am missing one...
I've been thinking about stress lately-- yes thinking about it. I don't think I am really "stressed" but I am not sure if that is just because I won't admit it or not...
I have been thinking about working out. I missed 1 day last week and had 1 REALLY crappy gym day. Today was a "crappy" gym day as well. But at least when I got tired I didn't STOP on the treadmill, I just started walking. I just was running low on energy today.
I've been thinking about money. Between school, the fact that I have 2 jobs, wanting to buy boxing equipment, the spain trip, other savings, wanting an iPad... yeah...
I've been thinking of tattoos lately. I want to get a small bird on my left pointer finger. People are always like "Don't get a tattoo where it can't be covered up!". Well... fuck you. I am going to do it. Its not like I am getting a penis on my forehead. I am getting a bird on my finger. If I don't get hired somewhere because of this, well that is their goddam fucking problem. I am going to get it probably once I legally can.. I was thinking of waiting until after university (because of the whole hiring thing) but I don't fucking care what people think. They can go fuck themselves.
I also want to get other animals on my hand for other things once they happen. (I want something where my ring finger will be if and once I get married, and I want something to represent my kids on the side of my hand too)
I want a kid. I have been thinking it for a while, I thought it might be a weird phase or hormones, but no, I really want a kid. RIGHT NOW. Not like 10 years in the future. No, I want to be pregnant right now. I just really want to raise a person and be a mother. I know society is going "What the fuck" right now, but I don't care. The only reasons I am not is because I don't have a lot of time or a lot of money, or my own place.
I've been thinking about my homework and assignments and culminatings. I am somewhat behind... but I just need to catch up. I am planning on doing 1 hour monday-thursday on my law and history culminatings. History is due the 28th.. and lambo is still being a lazy ass and not telling us.
I hate being a girl. I have been thinking this for about a month. Its not that I don't want to be a girl, because I love being a girl. But being a girl has made me so angry. Not for reasons that you may think, i.e. feminist issues of not getting a job, etc. But no, physical. Not sexual though. But I just HATE the fact that a man with a gut that barely lifts a finger could probably knock me out in a few punches, while I can go to the gym 10 hours a week and barely be able to lift the garbage at work. Fucking annoys me. Also, I fucking hate periods. Like all girls. But this may be TMI but I have the WORST cramps at the beginning, and during ovulation. Let me just say, the other day I was shopping with a friend and started ovulating and it hurt so bad I could barely walk. I had to sit down for like 10 minutes. Yes, I am going to the doctor about this "episode".
I have been thinking about what I am eating. I have been eating a LOT more lately, because I have been really hungry. Here is a typical day for me:
Breakfast: Cereal, 2 Oranges, 2 kiwis, a yogurt drink, a stick of cheese, a cup of greek yogurt
Lunch: Soy Milk, apple, applesauce, granola bar, nuts,
Supper/and other snacks: 2 oranges, nuts, nuts, nuts, popcorn, kiwis, apples, strawberries, blueberries, cucumber, yogurt, rice pudding, protein shake, granola bar, apple sauce, crackers,
This may not seem like a lot, but it adds up in quantity and I end up going over my daily calorie limit. Which isn't that bad, but it still freaks me out sometimes.
Friends. I have been thinking about the friends in my life. Particularly 3 of them. I am obviously not saying who, but I have just been thinking if one friend is really my friend, I have been concerned for another, and really happy for another.
I have been thinking about alcohol. (I think I posted a blog about idiotic teenagers, and alcohol, did I not?). I just think its stupid. I have been thinking about drugs too, and talking about it in art (Mrs. Duke wants to kill our table). But heres my opinion.. somewhat clairified:
Teenagers drink. Why? To have fun, to party, to socialize. Okay whatever.
But if you are a teenager thinking you are drinking to be "older"and more "mature" really you are a fucking idiot. Because people who are older and more mature KNOW how to drink responsibly, you fucking assholes.
My Mom. Thats all. Not going any further with this one
I swear. Big whoop. People make a big deal out of it when I swear. My mom yells at me when I swear. But I just see swearing as words. I place equal value of the word "fuck" to the word "cheese". I think they are both equally offensive. I think nigger... is just a word. It is the same as the word "july". I really don't care.
I have been thinking of Television. I watch so much of it, I just think of it.
I have been thinking about religion. I have learned a bit in history and I have been googling up a storm. Just figuring stuff out.
I have been thinking of summer, and summer goals. I can't wait to go swimming! TRAIN HARD OR GO HOME!!! Thinking of marathon running! Thinking of boxing! I am not signing up for it, but I might buy a punching bag. Probably will.
(I am now running out of things to say)
I have been thinking about the word "bigot"... because I am one. Look it up.
Been thinking about a certain boiii ;)
I have been thinking about my health. Like, the fact that I might have ovarian cysts (please refer to previous post about hating being a girl). And thinking about my joints and such. I need to drink lots of water. I want to eat more healthy things with calcium, iron and zinc in them. And vitamin d? I think it was d. And drink lots of antioxidants :)
Well, thats it. that blog post took longer than expected. Maybe you got through that, maybe you didn't. Who cares.
I decided to blog "20 Things that have been on my mind recently". By recently, I am talking about... well recently. Like today. Some of the things I have been thinking for 2 days some for 2 years... so here goes. (In No particular order)
I've been thinking of a certain person... well two people, for the past.. while. One for like 2 or 3 months and the other for like... a full on year off and on.
I've been thinking about university and post secondary education a lot, since I decided I want to be a highschool teacher now too. As well, adults keep harassing me about which university I want to go to. Am I supposed to know this? I used to say waterloo. But now I am not sure. I am thinking of the following right now though:
Waterloo, Trent, Carleton, Guelph
I feel like I am missing one...
I've been thinking about stress lately-- yes thinking about it. I don't think I am really "stressed" but I am not sure if that is just because I won't admit it or not...
I have been thinking about working out. I missed 1 day last week and had 1 REALLY crappy gym day. Today was a "crappy" gym day as well. But at least when I got tired I didn't STOP on the treadmill, I just started walking. I just was running low on energy today.
I've been thinking about money. Between school, the fact that I have 2 jobs, wanting to buy boxing equipment, the spain trip, other savings, wanting an iPad... yeah...
I've been thinking of tattoos lately. I want to get a small bird on my left pointer finger. People are always like "Don't get a tattoo where it can't be covered up!". Well... fuck you. I am going to do it. Its not like I am getting a penis on my forehead. I am getting a bird on my finger. If I don't get hired somewhere because of this, well that is their goddam fucking problem. I am going to get it probably once I legally can.. I was thinking of waiting until after university (because of the whole hiring thing) but I don't fucking care what people think. They can go fuck themselves.
I also want to get other animals on my hand for other things once they happen. (I want something where my ring finger will be if and once I get married, and I want something to represent my kids on the side of my hand too)
I want a kid. I have been thinking it for a while, I thought it might be a weird phase or hormones, but no, I really want a kid. RIGHT NOW. Not like 10 years in the future. No, I want to be pregnant right now. I just really want to raise a person and be a mother. I know society is going "What the fuck" right now, but I don't care. The only reasons I am not is because I don't have a lot of time or a lot of money, or my own place.
I've been thinking about my homework and assignments and culminatings. I am somewhat behind... but I just need to catch up. I am planning on doing 1 hour monday-thursday on my law and history culminatings. History is due the 28th.. and lambo is still being a lazy ass and not telling us.
I hate being a girl. I have been thinking this for about a month. Its not that I don't want to be a girl, because I love being a girl. But being a girl has made me so angry. Not for reasons that you may think, i.e. feminist issues of not getting a job, etc. But no, physical. Not sexual though. But I just HATE the fact that a man with a gut that barely lifts a finger could probably knock me out in a few punches, while I can go to the gym 10 hours a week and barely be able to lift the garbage at work. Fucking annoys me. Also, I fucking hate periods. Like all girls. But this may be TMI but I have the WORST cramps at the beginning, and during ovulation. Let me just say, the other day I was shopping with a friend and started ovulating and it hurt so bad I could barely walk. I had to sit down for like 10 minutes. Yes, I am going to the doctor about this "episode".
I have been thinking about what I am eating. I have been eating a LOT more lately, because I have been really hungry. Here is a typical day for me:
Breakfast: Cereal, 2 Oranges, 2 kiwis, a yogurt drink, a stick of cheese, a cup of greek yogurt
Lunch: Soy Milk, apple, applesauce, granola bar, nuts,
Supper/and other snacks: 2 oranges, nuts, nuts, nuts, popcorn, kiwis, apples, strawberries, blueberries, cucumber, yogurt, rice pudding, protein shake, granola bar, apple sauce, crackers,
This may not seem like a lot, but it adds up in quantity and I end up going over my daily calorie limit. Which isn't that bad, but it still freaks me out sometimes.
Friends. I have been thinking about the friends in my life. Particularly 3 of them. I am obviously not saying who, but I have just been thinking if one friend is really my friend, I have been concerned for another, and really happy for another.
I have been thinking about alcohol. (I think I posted a blog about idiotic teenagers, and alcohol, did I not?). I just think its stupid. I have been thinking about drugs too, and talking about it in art (Mrs. Duke wants to kill our table). But heres my opinion.. somewhat clairified:
Teenagers drink. Why? To have fun, to party, to socialize. Okay whatever.
But if you are a teenager thinking you are drinking to be "older"and more "mature" really you are a fucking idiot. Because people who are older and more mature KNOW how to drink responsibly, you fucking assholes.
My Mom. Thats all. Not going any further with this one
I swear. Big whoop. People make a big deal out of it when I swear. My mom yells at me when I swear. But I just see swearing as words. I place equal value of the word "fuck" to the word "cheese". I think they are both equally offensive. I think nigger... is just a word. It is the same as the word "july". I really don't care.
I have been thinking of Television. I watch so much of it, I just think of it.
I have been thinking about religion. I have learned a bit in history and I have been googling up a storm. Just figuring stuff out.
I have been thinking of summer, and summer goals. I can't wait to go swimming! TRAIN HARD OR GO HOME!!! Thinking of marathon running! Thinking of boxing! I am not signing up for it, but I might buy a punching bag. Probably will.
(I am now running out of things to say)
I have been thinking about the word "bigot"... because I am one. Look it up.
Been thinking about a certain boiii ;)
I have been thinking about my health. Like, the fact that I might have ovarian cysts (please refer to previous post about hating being a girl). And thinking about my joints and such. I need to drink lots of water. I want to eat more healthy things with calcium, iron and zinc in them. And vitamin d? I think it was d. And drink lots of antioxidants :)
Well, thats it. that blog post took longer than expected. Maybe you got through that, maybe you didn't. Who cares.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Fucking Teenagers
So. Hey.
Thought I'd talk a bit about age stuff again--- because it matters so much to me.
That was both sarcasm and not sarcasm.
I am 16. Somewhat obviously. Most of you know how much I hate ageism towards teenagers. For example, adults believing all teenagers are bad, only teenagers being asked to leave their backpacks at the front of some stores, etc. That stuff bugs me.
Why? Teenagers shouldn't have to put up with that shit, obviously. But I am not like the stereotype of teenagers. I am not a teenager at heart at all.
Sure, I goof around with friends and such. But that doesn't make me a "teenager". Have you EVER seen a group of 40 year old men chase eachother? I have. So I guess they are teenagers too.
Teenagers to me are actually really dumb--- but just the ones that fall into classic stereotypes of teenagers. People are always saying how much it sucks to grow up. Uhm. Yes. Grow up from a CHILD, yes. But I am sorry that I hate dumbasses who are all like "LEEEETTSS GOOO DRANNKKK!!" and that are just like.. oh my god... lets go parttyiiiing.
If you choose to conform to teenager norms, sure. I don't think I ever will. I am not a "teenager". I try to act older then what I really am, and have a body younger then who I really am.
I try to be healthy, I want to live for a long time. I want to be older and graduating university now. I would be 27 right now if I knew that those 11 years of my life I skipped would just be, being 27 for 11 years. Why not? Fuck.
Then there are the people who just say I dress weird. I don't ALWAYS dress older then me. But yes, I do like somethings that "teachers wear". Freaking take me to court and arrest me goddamit.
And no, I am not trying to claim I am the most mature human on earth. I am not. I still have fun. Shame on you for thinking that only teenagers can have fun...
I just remember in my Family Studies class, we were talking about things that make you an "adult" like, factors and such. We were making a list. A lot were like "Car, family, money, job, house, drinking," etc. As a class we sort of determined the age of being an "adult" is 18. I'm sorry.
Car? No thanks. I have my licence but I am fine just running and biking everywhere until I have kids. Family? I have a family. I want to HAVE a family now. BUT GUESS WHAT SOCIETY SAYS TO THAT? Yeah, society says fuck you to that, you can't have kids now.
Money? I have 2 jobs.
Job? I have 2 jobs.
House? Hahah right.
Drinking? Fuck you bastard. Drinking.
Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. People are such fucking idiots. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU DRINK JUST TO FIT IN YOU FUCKING MORONIC DUMBASSES? I am sorry, but drinking to simply fit in is stupid. "YOLO" Oh, I am sorry. BUT You are an idiot. Sure, alcohol can be fine. If you are not getting drunk as fuck.
Alcohol. Sure, I'll drink it. But not with other fucking idiotic teenagers who just wanna get wasted to make out with eachother and be socially accepted. I have never had high doses of alcohol. But there is a good chance that:
A) I could be an alcoholic... but can that even be inherited?
B) I could be alergic to alcohol. Some of my relatives are. Sure. Sarah, lets get drunk! AND YOU CAN DIE >:D
Plus, alcohol really isn't that good for you. In moderation it is, but I am sorry, I plan on living to 100, which is already hard enough with 10 years of second hand smoke on my hands and living in the middle of a polluted world.
Sorry if I offended anyone. But I am just not a teenager. I am 16, but that means nothing. In the past year, over 5 people have thought I was already graduated highschool. In the past few years, I have considered myself NOT a teenager.
Many may say that this blog post is just a sign of my immaturity and that I am a teenager. As I said, I am not perfect. Nobody is. I have been in the dumbest fights with adults before. One time I had an adult flip shit at me and call me an idiot and ugly. They were a mother of one of my friends. Yeah, so lets all just start stereotyping adults as idiots and drunks now, K?
Thought I'd talk a bit about age stuff again--- because it matters so much to me.
That was both sarcasm and not sarcasm.
I am 16. Somewhat obviously. Most of you know how much I hate ageism towards teenagers. For example, adults believing all teenagers are bad, only teenagers being asked to leave their backpacks at the front of some stores, etc. That stuff bugs me.
Why? Teenagers shouldn't have to put up with that shit, obviously. But I am not like the stereotype of teenagers. I am not a teenager at heart at all.
Sure, I goof around with friends and such. But that doesn't make me a "teenager". Have you EVER seen a group of 40 year old men chase eachother? I have. So I guess they are teenagers too.
Teenagers to me are actually really dumb--- but just the ones that fall into classic stereotypes of teenagers. People are always saying how much it sucks to grow up. Uhm. Yes. Grow up from a CHILD, yes. But I am sorry that I hate dumbasses who are all like "LEEEETTSS GOOO DRANNKKK!!" and that are just like.. oh my god... lets go parttyiiiing.
If you choose to conform to teenager norms, sure. I don't think I ever will. I am not a "teenager". I try to act older then what I really am, and have a body younger then who I really am.
I try to be healthy, I want to live for a long time. I want to be older and graduating university now. I would be 27 right now if I knew that those 11 years of my life I skipped would just be, being 27 for 11 years. Why not? Fuck.
Then there are the people who just say I dress weird. I don't ALWAYS dress older then me. But yes, I do like somethings that "teachers wear". Freaking take me to court and arrest me goddamit.
And no, I am not trying to claim I am the most mature human on earth. I am not. I still have fun. Shame on you for thinking that only teenagers can have fun...
I just remember in my Family Studies class, we were talking about things that make you an "adult" like, factors and such. We were making a list. A lot were like "Car, family, money, job, house, drinking," etc. As a class we sort of determined the age of being an "adult" is 18. I'm sorry.
Car? No thanks. I have my licence but I am fine just running and biking everywhere until I have kids. Family? I have a family. I want to HAVE a family now. BUT GUESS WHAT SOCIETY SAYS TO THAT? Yeah, society says fuck you to that, you can't have kids now.
Money? I have 2 jobs.
Job? I have 2 jobs.
House? Hahah right.
Drinking? Fuck you bastard. Drinking.
Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. People are such fucking idiots. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU DRINK JUST TO FIT IN YOU FUCKING MORONIC DUMBASSES? I am sorry, but drinking to simply fit in is stupid. "YOLO" Oh, I am sorry. BUT You are an idiot. Sure, alcohol can be fine. If you are not getting drunk as fuck.
Alcohol. Sure, I'll drink it. But not with other fucking idiotic teenagers who just wanna get wasted to make out with eachother and be socially accepted. I have never had high doses of alcohol. But there is a good chance that:
A) I could be an alcoholic... but can that even be inherited?
B) I could be alergic to alcohol. Some of my relatives are. Sure. Sarah, lets get drunk! AND YOU CAN DIE >:D
Plus, alcohol really isn't that good for you. In moderation it is, but I am sorry, I plan on living to 100, which is already hard enough with 10 years of second hand smoke on my hands and living in the middle of a polluted world.
Sorry if I offended anyone. But I am just not a teenager. I am 16, but that means nothing. In the past year, over 5 people have thought I was already graduated highschool. In the past few years, I have considered myself NOT a teenager.
Many may say that this blog post is just a sign of my immaturity and that I am a teenager. As I said, I am not perfect. Nobody is. I have been in the dumbest fights with adults before. One time I had an adult flip shit at me and call me an idiot and ugly. They were a mother of one of my friends. Yeah, so lets all just start stereotyping adults as idiots and drunks now, K?
Thursday, May 3, 2012
I love you.
And You.
Let's start a polygamist relationship. K?
And You.
Let's start a polygamist relationship. K?
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Is so.. lifey.
I am like the most awkward and embarrassing human to ever roam the earth. I am not even kidding you. I do the dumbest things that are so embarrassing.
I've been thinking a lot lately about Society vs the Individual. Mostly because of my english essay. But also because I can. (I obviously think of normal things).
I think that society should accept everyone as who they are and that people shouldn't have to conform to society.
If you get what I mean.
But I feel that many people don't have a problem with just accepting everyone? Right? Yeah, right! Like, many LBGTQ people are accepted now, and people of all races, relgion, sexes. Right? For the most part, yes.
But that is not my focus. It is the actual individual's thoughts that should be accepted.
I think of weird things, and I like weird things. I don't need people's approval, but life would be a whole lot easier if I could just say the things on my mind and not be feared of being judged, ignored.. or even arrested.
This is why I find law and society unfair. I just can't exist the way I want to. Society expects ME to change to be a member of it. Well... I usually say "If you can't beat em' join em'". Which is what I want to do. Sort of. I will never forget my goal...
But I will never stop until society has changed... even just a little, in my favour. You may be like "Well that is what YOU Think". Well yes, it is. But it includes ALL members of society. So you think about that one.
Weird update title? Maybe.
I still want to become a psychologist. Of course I do.
But I think I want to be a High School teacher too. You know how I am so obsessed with teachers and such. I am always analyzing them. Teaching fascinates me. I don't know why. I mean, who does a freaking project on quote "How do student-teacher relationships affect the academic, emotional and social success in students?". I am like obsessed with the thought of working in a highschool.
But there were 4 reasons why I thought I didn't want to be a teacher:
1) I don't actually want to stand in front of people and actually do the act of teaching. Recently I discovered I LOVE teaching people my ideas, and others ideas. I love it SO much. So this has obviously changed.
2) It doesn't earn as much as a psychologist. A psychologist can earn upwards of 100,000 per year. Teachers earn something like 60,000 ( I THINK.) So. That sucks.
3) I don't want to mark. Easy solution: Don't create assignments that are a pain in the ass to mark.
4) Its hard to get teaching jobs nowadays. That might change if and once I do become a teacher. And besides--- I will be the best freaking teacher in the world..
So heres my point: I want to be a teacher. I want to be a psychologist. I will do both.
I want to ask someone in guidance about how I could go about doing this. Because I want to have both things achieved before I am 30. But here is what I am thinking.
Go to University and Double major in Psychology and... either Philosophy, Sociology or history (probably going to be sociology).
In 4 years achieve my 2 Bachelors.
NOW HERES THE ISSUE. Here is where I would go for my Masters in Psychology or go to Teachers College.
What I want to know, is if I can do both at the same time. Like CAN you do a masters while in teachers college? You might. But it might be a bit of a stretch.
If you can't--- here is where my issue comes up. Thinking realistically--- if I can't do both at the same time, going to teachers college first would make sense. It is faster, then I can get a job, at least supplying, and once I am out of teachers college THEN I can start working on my masters, then my PhD.
But I want to do both. I don't even freaking care.
The other thing I am considering is working for a school board. I think it would be interesting.
But I am not even 100% sure what I am doing. I don't need to know for a while, because if I just double major in 2 subjects than it will be easy to transition to either teachers college OR my masters in psych. I just need to know THEN.
But I want to know now.
Some people may be like "Well why don't you be a school psychologist!". Okay. Sure. But I still can't teach.
I want to make lesson plans and do class activities and change their lives. Inspire them. I feel like I have soo many ideas of teaching that I just want to shove down some future teenager's lives.
But still, if I could only do one profession... it'd probably be a Psychologist still...
Just another quickie. FACT. TWSS. Okay. So. Before I am out of uni... I want to be a personal trainer. Goodlife has this program and everything. So you don't need like college education or anything. But I think it'd be so awesome!
Just another quickie. FACT. TWSS. Okay. So. Before I am out of uni... I want to be a personal trainer. Goodlife has this program and everything. So you don't need like college education or anything. But I think it'd be so awesome!
Life Advice: Admit to yourself what you are afraid to and you will find inner joy and happiness.
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