So, as you may have seen on my twitter or if I told you, I went to Kingston today. I thought of texting Gytha/Kasi but I wasn't going to be there long. So I drove most of the way to kingston and my mom and I went to the mall.
This was a really happy time, obvi. But I shopped at H&M and found SOO many clothes. I fell in love with like 6 things. But I didn't want to spend that much money. So I just picked 2 things. Here they are:

(Top part of dress)

(Bottom part of dress+ CHECK OUT MY DAMMM LEEEGGGGSS )

(and this shirt)
But when I went to pay for them... my damned debit wasn't working. It turns out that I was ALMOST in debt on my debit, because I misjudged the date of the withdraws I have out of my account to my "vacation" fund.
So my mom paid for them. So now I owe her :P.
Anyways, after there, I was bummed out because I was basically broke. We ate subway and left, basically.
Then we went to michaels because my mom wanted to get some fake flowers to put out at the cemetary where my dad is, so she did that while I sat in the car.
Then I drove to Ganonoque (however its spelt) to go to the cemetary.
After we were done there. I randomly said "Lets go to lyndhurst".
No idea why, I just said that.
So then we decided to go to Lyndhurst. If you don't know, Lyndhurst is my hometown. I haven't been there since... about July 2009. So almost 3 years.
So I drove to Lyndhurst. On the way I would recognize the occasional building. (Holy fuck on the way there, there are a LOT of Turtle crossing signs).
Then I reached here.

Freaking Lyndhurst sign. When I saw this I just about flipped.
But before going through the village we decided to drive by the house first.
I was like OMG OMG OMG OMG when I was getting closer. Then I saw it.

Looked like the way we left it. NOT. Theres like a random shed thing made of wood near the front of the driveway, play equipment in the backyard, the fence was torn down, the gardens weren't tended to.. annnd the most important thing.
It has a fucking "FOR SALE" sign on it. It is up for sale again. So I was like OMG WHAT!? This means that the listing is ONLINE. (I will talk more about this later)
Anyways, after driving by the house 3 times... I drove to the end of the road, which is where my Grade 3 teacher (also my mom babysat for her)'s house. I was going to turn around in her driveway, but then I saw her (or her husband) in the car backing out, so I freaked out and continued driving and turned around after she left. Nope, I was too scared to see her again! Haven't seen her since I was... 10?...
Anyways. I drove to the village.
First thing I see is this:

Lyndhurst bridge <3. It is the oldest remaining bridge in Ontario. Figures. Its only a 1-way bridge. Everybody else got a bigger bridge. But now its like the only method of attracting tourists (besides the TURKEY FAIR which is AMAZING).
Heres the bridge, a better view.

Anyways. I drive through the village. I see the Post. It has some AMAZING pizza. I got my first icecream cone from there. Heres a pic:

Then I drive a little further closer to the Library. Lets compare the size of the Library in Lyndhurst to the one in belleville, now.

(Ps, lauren if you are reading this, check out the street name.)
Okay. Almost accross the road from the Library is the Groceteria.

I go in there and get some candy. Theres a special story about this candy. My dad would sometimes go to the groceteria after work and buy me some and surprise me when he came home after work :).


Okay. It was yummy.
Then I turn around and see this. I found it really funny. Because the population of Lyndhurst is practically 0 (I actually don't know the pop) But they have these flags like most cities. LAWLZ.

Anyways. Theres one place that I didn't really care to go-- but it was the only other thing open (everything is basically closed anyways). Its this store, its accross from the Post.

I didn't really want to go in, but I did, because my mom said there are "Lyndhurst t-shirts" there sometimes. I kind of wanted one. So I gave in, and went in. The store usually sells little native gifts and such, along with the obvious: fishing and hunting supplies, and bait.
So I looked around and I saw this:

Which is kind of hard to tell what it is. But its a pendant that says "Lyndhurst ontario Canada" and has a picture of the bridge on it. It was like $1.95. so I decided to get it.
Anyways. Before I bought it, the most amazing thing happened.
I was walking around and suddenly I hear "Sarah!?" and I look, and there is a girl staring at me. At first I didn't recognize her, then I realized. IT WAS CHARLIE! If you are close to me, you know that Charlie is my childhood friend, my first friend, actually, i from KINDERGARTEN :) She was there for her Co-op.
It was somewhat awkward talking to her, but I was SOO HAPPY to see her. I hadn't seen her since... 2008. Omgomgomg. I was freaking out.
Anyways here she and I are :)

We talked for maybe 5 minutes. Then my mom realized it was 3pm, and we had to drive all the way from Lyndhurst back to Belleville.
So obviously (if you read my tweets) I didn't get to go to the gym in kingston. :(
But I still went in Belleville, later.
OMG though. It was such a weird day. But amazing :)
Still psyched up.
OH yeah. About my old house being up for sale, here is the link for the tour so you can see inside it (what it looks like now). MY ROOM IS THE ONE THAT IS PINK AND LIME GREEN WITH THE JB POSTER ON THE CLOSET DOOR. It used to be yellow. withbears... and a carpet.
The entire house looks 10x nicer then when I lived there. All of the flooring in the living room and hallway nad bedrooms was carpet. There is new kitchen and dining room flooring, the walls are repainted. of course the furniture is all different. the only thing the same is the basement. Here:
Also, I am going to make a SECOND BLOG. I decided to keep my regular blog, and my random Fitness blogs, SEPARATE. I will put the link belowwwwww here :
Life Advice: DO ITTT.
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