I am going to read my cards again. Lololol. PSYCHIC Me. Ye. Riiight. Okay. Well, I did it twice, because I was bored... sooo... the first time around actually SUCKS so I wouldn't waste your time. But the second one I like better.
Lololol right. Okay. I won't use the "tree" form this time with the cards. I'm going to do the "Mandala" form of the cards. Which basically shows the central issue (in 2 cards) and 2 cards show the external and 2 show internal and then 1 card shows the solution for external and 1 for the internal. Okayayyyy. So lets do this shitz.
The Central Issue:
1: Upside Down Page of Swords
Someone who feels incomplete without a cause or who likes to point out how committed and admirable they are by the worthy causes they support. Pushing endurance too far. Tendency to see life as a constant battle
Five of cups
Pain, sorrow, loss. The loss is not terminal. However, something remains as consolation, and recovery will take place. The opportunity ,brought abut by a loss, to alter your life for the better.
2. Three of Rods
This is the card of the artist, writer, inventor, dreamer, scientist or visionary. Inspired gifts that need expression. Creative possibilities opening up. Commectign to the different dimensions of existence. A gift, freely given. Talent.
Upside down knight of rods
Wounded, his idealism hardened into a veneer of painful cynicism, this man's gifts are lost in a morass of fear and pain. He may be addicted to drugs or alcohol. If he can forgive himself he will find heeling and in turn will be able to heel
3. King of Discs
Powerful, ambitious worldly-wise man, probably in a position of authority and wealth. Tends to see things in black and white, sometimes lacking in imaginatoin and subtlety. Enjoys traditional values and practical skills. A good friend, a dangerous enemey.
Ten of Swords (which WONT STOP FREAKING FALLING DOWN, its actually driving me nuts)
External events, war, destruction of a people or the environment. Acceptance, endurance. Voluntary sacrifice in order to change and grow. Personal defeat, self-destructive attitude. The lowest part of a cycle. Possibly an envious collegue or friend.
(the card closest to External)
The emporor
Authority, integrity, focus, willpower, Benevolence. Compassion, stability. Someone with a real temporal influence. Viguor, potency, the ability to command wisely. A keep grasp of practical matters: business, family, money. Patriarchal issues, obedience duty, rights and wrongs, competition, control
The card closest to internal:
The fool
Preparing to leap into the unknown, taking risks. Unexpected and inexplicable occurrences. A new path of destiny. Possibly a warning to take care: pitfalls lie ahead. Time to make major decisions. Paradox; apparent contradictions. Someone who embodies the fool.
This actually tells me nothing really.... Like... I can't put together a story or anything. If I were try to, I would say something like, I have an issue with my philisophical views being different internally and externally, and focusing on internally would be not in my best nature, but my external self knows the world very well and would do just fine sticking with the flow... but even that it doesn't say exactly.
I want to try another layout of the cards I just found. The Six-pointed star. I draw 7 cards. There is a central issue, underlying situation, options, best outcome, future environment, future personal, and what needs to be done.
I am not typing out as much of the definition, because that is boring, but I will REALLY sum it up.
1. The Central Issue
Upsidedown Chariot
Egotism running riot. (OH FUCKING HELL ITS ACCURATE) Try to use my persona to get my way and sway people.My self esteem goes above my spirit. I have techniques of dealing with the world to stop working. No inner substance (HARSHMUCH.)
2. Underlying situation
Four of Swords
Conservation of my strength so I don't waste energy. A hope out of no where. solitude. May change the way I think and will see problems as opportunities.
3. Options
The Moon
Break out of the dark forces of the collective unconscious. Turn old terrors into creative work. Connection with realms of fantastic.
4. Best Outcome
Seven of Swords
A situation that requires a firm resolution. Putting my curiousity to good use. Unseen forces need to be taken into account. A psychological puzzle that requires concentration and dedication to solve it.
5. Future Environment
Six of Cups
Childhood ideals returning. Accepting some aspects of life are over. Letting go of difficult past for future. Gratitude of present. Vision.
6. Future Personal
One of Discs
Ability to manifest ideas into physical reality.A need to base reality on experience, observation, and experience (Alexander Vandertramp anyone?) Seeing what is.
7. What needs to be done
Upside down Hanged man (Wouldn't that be a man standing up covered in ropes?)
Inner conflict. Holding onto past. Superficiality. ACting a part but never being generally connected. Inability to accept reality. Following others. Inability to surrender old habits.
That actually told me something. It is fucking accurate. I'd tell the story, but I think I'll let you piece together the puzzle.
Just once again as a disclaimer- this is all for fun. As I said last time I do this.
Kerplomp. I just felt the need to say that.
Next time my friends and I have a sleepover I should read y'all cards for fun.
1 Last Card for No reason:
OHMYGOD It was the upside down devil .
Oh my god. Its actually positive because its upsidedown.
Paradox: a side of the psyche that is actually a way through to the light. breaking free of old habits of pessimism and negativity by allowing different perceptions.
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