Not sure why. I am just obsessed with itttttt. Its basically been "obsessive" since a month after I joined the gym. Before that I worked out about the same amount of hours, but I just feel I push myself 4x harder at the gym. Also, outside of the gym now.
I have certainly taken a bit of a bender. Remember when I used to freak out about gaining weight? Well..
Today I weighed myself. Now. Before I joined the gym I used to want to see 117 on the scale when I stepped on. But it kept raising and raising and was eventually about 120. Then during exams it went up 3.5 pounds. When I joined the gym I lost a a bit of weight. So I was about 118.5-120. At that point I basically stopped caring about how much I weighed because I knew I was at a healthy weight.
But recently I started a new health kick at the gym. I want to gain muscle. Now. I know what you are going to say. "Ew. Girls with muscles are grosssss...."
Uhm. Well. Yeah. I want that. NOT extreme. But. I want to be kinda buff. Let me see if I can find some form of picture.. Okay I can't. But I know that there are some girls at the gym I would be like, I want her arms, her abs, etc. Thats basically what I am working on though, is my arms and abs. My legs are fine. Maybe my inner thighs could use some more strength training.
So now I am gaining weight. Or I want to. But not like fat weight. Muscle weight.
This week I have gained approximately 2.5 pounds in I THINK muscle weight.
I just want to be stronger. I don't even know why. I just want it and now I am going to get it.
But I do know that I am getting stronger.
I know this one back machine I started off at about 100lbsish and now I am at like 135? 165? I forget. It was one of those 2. And with my arms I started with 8lb weights (I'm weaaak) and now I am at 12lbs.
Also, I just tried this one ab excersize I did.. early last summer, that I used to practically cry doing, and it was fairly average yesterdat/today. Parts of it were hard, but others aren't.
But I think the only visible difference so far is slightly in my arms. But its not very big of a difference. Maybe my back.
But as I said, I am not going to look like a huge muscular girl. Maybe a tiny girl you'd see on a fitness magazine. GOTCHA
Like this :

Close to that. Around that. But of course I would look different once I achieve my goals, this is just a basis of what I want to look like.
But here. I will tell you what I do at the gym.
I usually spend 1.5-2.5 hours at the gym.
doing the following:
1hour-1.5 hours of Cardio. i.e. treadmill, this one other thingy that is like an elliptical but its like high knees, the bikes, the elliptical
about 1 hour of various strength and Pilates exercises Including:
Pilates for the arms, abs, butt
Free weights for the arms
Inner and outer thighs on the weight thingers (what the fuck are weight machines called?)
Back with free weights + the machine thinger
This other ab thing that you lay down on
But I mainly do pilates. WHICH I HAVE TALKED ABOUT in a previous blog. Go check that out, Or youtube "pop pilates".
The only thing is I find it hard to do abs at the gym. I don't know why. But my arms and legs are at the best they've ever been, but my abs were better twice before now. But abs are the hardest (in my mind) to maintain. I've never really had "visible" abs. But they have been really rockhard before. But now they aren't.
I feel braggy, awkward about this blog post now. :F Oh well, fuck it.
But anyways. The only downside is that during exams when I gained weight, I thought I might be a larger bra size. Then I started working out. Nope. It was just fat. Now I am sad.
Now. For eating. I have been eating really good lately. I haven't had anything like burgers/fries/onion rings... basically anything severely "fried" in a lloooongg time. I will eat sweets sometimes. BUT OMG there are some protein bars that are like FUCKING CHOCOLATE. They have the calories to show it. But thats okay, because I am not just eating them to eat them, I am eating them for the gym. Although, I don't really eat protein bars high in calorie. I go for ones that usually have about 150-200 calories and about 14-20 grams of protein.
I just realized how confusing this blog post could be o_O. Or how not confusing it could be. Whatever.
But anyways: Protein .. just read this if you want to know about protein and muscle building.
But I will tell you something. There are a few things I pay attention to on the Nutrition labels now.
Calories. I always have.
Cholesterol- I forget why I started looking at cholesterol. But I did for some reason, and I am continuing with it.
Protein- Because of that article up there
Fibre- Because of several reasons. It makes you feel full, it helps your digestive system, and more.
But I don't really pay attention to Carbs. Which is another one I should pay attention to. I know carbohydrates has something to do with diabetes... which runs in the family... a lot. But its all Type 2 which means you develop it. I am not in risk of it at all though. I also know Carbs have something to do with storing energy, longevity something like that, because I know people try to load on good carbs before things like marathons.
But I am not a master in any of this.
But besides looking at the label, I basically eat a LOT of fruit. A looottt. I also drink lots of tea. I eat crackers. I eat whatever dinner there is. I eat wraps, salads, icecream, protein bars, granola bars, almonds, whatthefuckingnutiscalled HAZELNUTS, smoothies, vegetables, yogurt, cheese, pickles, peanut butter, cereal, milk, soup, popcorn, coffee, these cookie/cracker things my mom gets. That is literally what I eat now.
Its not even that hard to me. I always feel like I am eating unhealthy at home though. But that is because I eat things in large qualities. I don't even know why. I just eat a loooot. Not today, but a few days ago, do you wanna know what I had for breakfast?
2 oranges
2 kiwis
a bowl of cereal
a cup of tea
Like what the fuck? That isn't actually that many calories but I just ate so much!
But the REAL reason I feel bad about what I eat is because I binge on one thing I KNOW I shouldn't. Peanut butter. It is my new weakness. I have had WAY too much (this week especially). I will take soda crackers and freaking cover them in peanut butter. And then once I am done I have eaten 500 calories of peanut butter (there are 90 calories... in 1 TABLESPOON) I put practically anywhere between 1/4 to a half of a tablespoon (approx) on each cracker. And then once I get bored of the crackers. I will just START EATING the peanut butter. But at least every tablespoon has 4 protein.
Things like peanuts and peanut butter are high in protein but also high in calories.. which sucks.
The funny thing is. I haven't "restricted" anything from my diet. I know I don't get enough red meat (which isn't that good for you anyways, at least not in high amounts). I do know over a year ago I quit pop drinks. I have probably had 15 since then. Which isn't bad at all. Its still 15 too many, but still, not bad. I didn't quit sugar. I don't quit gluten, milf, HOLEY FUCK MILK NOT MILF, greasy foods. It just happens I eat less. Some greasy foods now just completely gross me out. That doesn't mean that when I pass by a KFC I don't crave the smell of their chicken, but I just can't get myself to eat it, its so unhealthy. Then again, I haven't had KFC in at least 2 years anyways.
Oh. I was reading about milk, and how it actually isn't too good for you (it has to do with it being a cow and not a person). But honestly, I don't care. I thought about switching to soy. Then I tried soy milk. I have learned I hate soy milk, soy protein (unless in a protein bar). I will eat these soy crisps from bulk barn though. They are super crunchy, and taste like dog food, but I oddly like them.
I want to run a marathon. Not this year, MAYBE next year, but definitely before I am 21. The only problem: I suck at running.
But here is something interesting I discovered today. I found that I run with emphasis on my heels a lot. I bend my legs funny too, which makes me cramp up. I don't think you are supposed to run this way, but I discovered if I use more of the ball of my foot and less of my heels, I can run for a LOT longer. In fact, I can barely run 1.5 miles the regular way, but ran 3 the other way, which maybe is the right way. But nobody told me how to place my feet when running. But I think that the right way is somewhere in between. I think you land in the middle then role to the front. I did this too, which was okay. But its not like I am strictly running on the balls of my feet, I touch with my heels (very lightly) then roll to the front. But yeah. I will figure it out. I should talk to my trainer.
Yeah I just looked at this:
I just need to get off the treadmill and jog on land. With my new technique. Because land I find harder then the treadmill. I have jogged on land before, but I always have to do this walk/jog thing thats annoying. The most I have ever jogged on land was probably 6 minutes, and on the treadmill was probably like 30 minutes.
If you saw my twitter I was thinking of doing a sport too. But I really don't know what. I think rock climbing, boxing, tennis, badminton sound good. But I have no idea how to start doing these now. Most people start sports at a younger age. Somebody tweet me @SarahFloria if you know where or how I can start. Or facebook me if you are my friend. I was looking at a list of sports earlier. I thought that "chess" and "canoeing" shouldn't really be considered sports. They are leisure activities. But whatever, list.
But cycling and weight training are considered sports. AM I AN ATHLETE?!?! Lololol JUST KIDDING.
But here is the question I leave myself to answer?:
Why? Why do all of this?
I think I do this because:
1) I want to be healthy
2) I want to live a long life
3) I am afraid of things like diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, anemia--- which are all things I was either at risk for (anemia) or runs strongly in the family.
4) I want to look good
5) I want to feel good
6) I want to be stronger... i.e. actually being able to lift things. *cough cough* the extremely full garbage bag at work. (we empty the 2 garbage bags in the store all week and put it in one big one in the storage room that gets taken out every.. thursday) that is FUCKING HEAVY. She said I can split it into smaller bags if I need. But I don't want to D: But for whatever reason we throw out liquids in the garbage. Like soup. I am like.. okay. What the fuck. But whatever.
But I am actually so much happier now its insane. I don't know if I will ever reach my goals, because of my actual body. But I will try fucking hard. My issue is, my arms and abs always appear stronger then they are, because I have thin bones and thin amounts of fat, so the muscle sticks right through... for example. Lets say there are 2 guys. One really big boned guy with thick skin, and one super skinny guy with thin skin. Lets say they work out their abs and arms for 1 hr every day for a month. The skinny guy will most likely look more muscularly defined then the other one. But the other one might actually be stronger.
Its hard to explain. But whatever.
Who cares.
I do these blog posts more for myself, to define my thoughts, then any other reason. My goal isn't to be like "YO, CHANGE YOUR GOD DAMNED LIFE" and be like "You are doing this, this and this wrong". You can interpret this anyway you like. You are in control of your thoughts and interpretations.
Life Advice: Just do it. I think this has been my life advice about 3 or 4 times now.
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