Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Name

I talked about this a while ago, but I have a few updates.

I want to change my name. I don't exactly remember when I wanted to change my name, but it started at least 1 if not 2 years ago.

Why do I want to change it? Because I hate my current name. My last name is confusing, my first name is overly common, and my middle names connect me to my mother and grandmother.

But the thing is, there are still so many reasons I don't want to change it.
1. My mom would hate it.
2. It would be confusing for people who already know me.

But then again... shouldn't I be happy and not worry about others?

It's funny, I've talked about it to a few other people. I was even talking to one of my teachers about it. She said she liked my name.

But what I hate is when I tell people the name I do want, they kind of... not laugh, but are just like "Whyyyyy".

My current full name is Sarah Elizabeth Floria Sceviour.

It sounds kind of pretty, I guess.

The name I want to change my name to is Spencer Ireland Vesuvius.

I doubt I will ever legally change my name to that. Maybe I will. But if I ever become an author or anything, my pen name will likely be Spencer Ireland Vesuvius. I am not going to put my actual name in the book. Or at least not the cover of the book.

I don't know. I hate the name Sarah, but I just can't see myself being called anything else.

But yeah. There's a heads up, if you see a book with "Spencer Ireland Vesuvius" on the cover, you should probably buy it.

I've thought about changing my blog name to that name, just so others I know don't find this, but recently I've been weeding through old blog posts to gradually remove ones that I don't really want anyone to see, and I'm not sure why I posted them. Once I'm done this process I might actually link my blog to my twitter.

It's not that I really care if others read this blog, because of course I want more viewers. Even if someone I didn't like found something on here that I kind of didn't want them to, it wouldn't be bad. Sure, I write embarassing and personal things on my blog, such as me talking about changing my name, but honestly, if the whole school read my blog and made fun of me, sure it'll sting a little, but I'd rather the whole school read my blog than nobody at all. I don't thing it would affect me that much though.

You know, as I say, and as I am going to get tattooed on my arm:

"Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said today" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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