Thursday, July 16, 2015

I got a tattoo!

I got my first tattoo, finally. I have been wanting a tattoo for years now and I finally found the courage to just fucking do it. I hate that it took me so long but I am happy that I have it now.

I feel super stupid blogging about a small tattoo I got, but I just want to talk about it and get it all out of my system.

Here is a picture:

Yep. It says fuck.

I've been wanting that tattoo for a little bit now but always said I would get it after I have gotten a few tattoos. It ended up being my first tattoo because it was the most sure I was of a tattoo out of all of the ones that I want. I also thought it was supposed to be a pretty painless spot, which I was wrong about, apparently. The tattoo artist that did it for me told me after I got it done that it is actually an area that tends to hurt pretty badly.

The pain I felt was only about a 3/10 for pain. It hurt, obviously, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I figured it would feel. Describing the way a tattoo is hard to explain just because it has its own unique feeling, but if I were to try it would go something like this: it feels like having a vibrating needle scraped across your skin except not as bad as you would think that having a needle scraped across your skin would feel. It actually felt a little numb as well.

I don't know. But now I am addicted to the idea of being super tattooed. I just got one little one and now I want all of the tattoos I can possible fit onto my body. I think my next tattoo is going to be on my left arm, kind of like a band below my shoulder muscle.

I suppose I should explain the meaning of "fuck". I kind of have a reason for getting this tattoo but in another even more real way, I don't. I just tell most people I got it because it is funny (true), but I also got it because I needed to do something stupid. My life is so boring, honestly. Also I curse a lot. Also, I did it because I don't care that it is tattooed onto my body in the sense that I believe that life has no purpose or meaning so that the tattoo is actually just pretty insignificant because once I'm dead my body will decompose and the tattoo will be gone. Plus I want to be 80 and just wear a bikini and scare all of the 20 year olds away with my fuck tattoo.

I've had it for a few days and I have mixed feelings about telling people about it. I posted it on instagram and I am obviously blogging about it now, but I didn't want a few people in my life to know about it just because I knew they would judge me. But then I posted it on instagram because I realized that nobody will actually care that much (and they don't).

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