Wednesday, April 29, 2015

31 Day Blog Challenge List

Here are the rules:
- I have 28 blog topics that I will blog about.
- One topic/day
- I must blog everyday in May (2015)
- In addition to the post I must post 2 photos: one of myself and one of something else (something I did, ate, something memorable, etc). The photo aspect will be more of just a journalling aspect to the blog challenge.
- I have left 3 posts open so if I feel like blogging about something I didn't write about in the moment I can choose to do so.
- The list is not in order, I will pick whichever I wish doing each day.

For the 3 posts left open, I will also take suggestions for blog posts. If there is a topic you want my opinion on or something creative you want me to write, I'll probably do it. If there are no suggestions or no suggestions I feel like writing about, I will leave them open to however I feel.

If a post is linked below, it has been done and you can click to read it :)
  1. A Short Story
  2. Things I love and hate about running
  3. A Picture I've drawn/created
  4. Talk about something on this wikipedia list:
  5. 20 Things to do before I turn 20
  6. What I like and dislike about my City
  7. An Obit to my Father 
  8. Should there be limits to freedom of expression?
  9. How I feel about Hedonism
  10. Writing Advice
  11. Letters to my future self
  12. A Picture of my life every hour (Set a timer on my phone and take a picture every hour of what I am doing, on the hour from wake until sleep)
  13. The Advantages and Disadvantages of being a philosophy major
  14. Something funny
  15. Describe something (My day? My job? I'll decide later) in 5, 50 and 500 words (We'll see how this works out)
  16. Things that make me happy
  17. Why monogamy and marriage are dead and I am still getting married
  18. Why sex is natural
  19. Thoughts on Minimalism
  20. A response to something ridiculous, whether an article or event, something
  21. Map Test: I will try to label 3 maps Canada (where I live), the US (where most of my readers are from) and a world Map. All in order to embarrass myself. 
  22. My 5 favourites: TV shows, books, celebrities, comedians, music, food, movies, stores, makeup, clothing styles, drinks
  23. A recipe
  24. Why I love Nick (a list)
  25. My Life (so my followers who don't know me in RL can get a feel of what I do outside of my blog)
  26. A thought experiment (What if...?)
  27. Why I haven't been caring for the environment AKA Why I am selfish
  28. ?
  29. ?
  30. ?
  31. What I learned from this blog challenge

See you May 1st!

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