I was lying in my bed taking a quick 10 minute power nap/break from reading my psychology textbook when I realized that my bony knees are touching each other and it kind of hurts. This drew upon previous information of mine. I am in love with Tina Fey and her autobiography Bossypants, in fact, I listened to the audiobook while driving to university this year, so it's pretty fresh in my mind. Anyways, this "knee touching" experience reminded me of one of the chapters in Bossypants entitled "Remembrances of Being Very Very Skinny" in which she had a list of disadvantages of being "very very skinny". One of these was "Sometimes I had to sleep with a pillow between my legs because my bony knees clanking together kept me awake". I highly encourage all people to read her book, even non-lovers of comedy. I just love her though, I am a little biased.
Anyways, during my "nap" (which is really more like a "freethinking" session while lying down) I started to compile my own list, granted, I am probably at the highest body fat % I have ever been at, which is only about 23%, which is really, really good. I am a thin girl, I run half marathons (I just signed up for my first marathon) and I lift weights. I got my body fat percent down to 16% once and it was amazing, although, upon reflection I realized it isn't all gold. It isn't the best thing ever.
So here is my list of Disadvantages of being Thin:
- You reach a certain point while losing body fat that you can't eat anything unhealthy or else it affects you
- People call you "skinny" or "thin" and use statements like "Wow, you're so skinny!" and "I wish I had your body" and as good as this may sound to someone else, it is really awkward when you are that person
- The people that don't say that say things like "Eat something" to you and that is worse because it makes you want to punch them
- People assume you are anorexic. This is how that goes:
Anorexics are skinny
That girl is skinny
Therefore she is anorexic
Nope, not at all.
- People expect you to stay thin. This isn't totally a bad thing, but it's easier to lose fat and become skinny than to gain 10 pounds of fat
- More people try to lift you up. Sometimes it's okay, it's romantic, whatever, but other times random friends of yours just try to lift you. Not sure why.
- You know what angles work for you. You know that you can't sit in chairs a certain way because it makes your thighs look larger, you know how to pose for the camera. If you weren't thin, things like this wouldn't take up space in your mind and you could actually occupy your thoughts with important things like school rather than sitting in class being like "my thighs look different like this"
- Tina Fey said this, and I agree. You are colder.
- People assume you are healthy. This isn't totally bad either, but many skinny people are not healthy. I hate people who look at someone skinny and go "man she's healthy", no, it could just be her body. I know many people my size that eat like animals and I have met people who are considered obese that are running half-marathons
That is about it for my list, for now.
It is not bad to be thin in any way shape or form. I am not going to turn this into some kind of "Body pride" post saying "love your body no matter what", mostly just because that shit is everywhere on the internet, but also because I think it is corny. It's not a bad thing to have pride in your body but if there is a single girl or boy out there that doesn't hate at least one thing on their body, kudos. Even if it's just a little freckle that you hate.
In general I like being thin. I am a runner, I like looking thin in the things I wear, I eat healthy, but I will tell you that I will never try to get my body fat % WAY DOWN ever again. I literally couldn't even eat a scoop of ice cream without it doing something to me. I like where I am now, mostly eating healthy, working out regularly but still being able to sit on the couch and watch TV while eating a healthy amount of sweets and chips.
Side note:
I have been having issues coming up with blog post ideas so if any readers of mine have any suggestions, please comment them below. I've been busy with school but I still want to post about 4-5 posts a month. I used to be able to do like 8-12, but university is hard, man.
Anyways, during my "nap" (which is really more like a "freethinking" session while lying down) I started to compile my own list, granted, I am probably at the highest body fat % I have ever been at, which is only about 23%, which is really, really good. I am a thin girl, I run half marathons (I just signed up for my first marathon) and I lift weights. I got my body fat percent down to 16% once and it was amazing, although, upon reflection I realized it isn't all gold. It isn't the best thing ever.
So here is my list of Disadvantages of being Thin:
- You reach a certain point while losing body fat that you can't eat anything unhealthy or else it affects you
- People call you "skinny" or "thin" and use statements like "Wow, you're so skinny!" and "I wish I had your body" and as good as this may sound to someone else, it is really awkward when you are that person
- The people that don't say that say things like "Eat something" to you and that is worse because it makes you want to punch them
- People assume you are anorexic. This is how that goes:
Anorexics are skinny
That girl is skinny
Therefore she is anorexic
Nope, not at all.
- People expect you to stay thin. This isn't totally a bad thing, but it's easier to lose fat and become skinny than to gain 10 pounds of fat
- More people try to lift you up. Sometimes it's okay, it's romantic, whatever, but other times random friends of yours just try to lift you. Not sure why.
- You know what angles work for you. You know that you can't sit in chairs a certain way because it makes your thighs look larger, you know how to pose for the camera. If you weren't thin, things like this wouldn't take up space in your mind and you could actually occupy your thoughts with important things like school rather than sitting in class being like "my thighs look different like this"
- Tina Fey said this, and I agree. You are colder.
- People assume you are healthy. This isn't totally bad either, but many skinny people are not healthy. I hate people who look at someone skinny and go "man she's healthy", no, it could just be her body. I know many people my size that eat like animals and I have met people who are considered obese that are running half-marathons
That is about it for my list, for now.
It is not bad to be thin in any way shape or form. I am not going to turn this into some kind of "Body pride" post saying "love your body no matter what", mostly just because that shit is everywhere on the internet, but also because I think it is corny. It's not a bad thing to have pride in your body but if there is a single girl or boy out there that doesn't hate at least one thing on their body, kudos. Even if it's just a little freckle that you hate.
In general I like being thin. I am a runner, I like looking thin in the things I wear, I eat healthy, but I will tell you that I will never try to get my body fat % WAY DOWN ever again. I literally couldn't even eat a scoop of ice cream without it doing something to me. I like where I am now, mostly eating healthy, working out regularly but still being able to sit on the couch and watch TV while eating a healthy amount of sweets and chips.
Side note:
I have been having issues coming up with blog post ideas so if any readers of mine have any suggestions, please comment them below. I've been busy with school but I still want to post about 4-5 posts a month. I used to be able to do like 8-12, but university is hard, man.
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