Why am I so sure that god doesn’t exist?
I would say “I can just feel it!” but that wouldn’t make sense. It’s like that feeling when you are standing in the middle of nature, in awe, and a theist says “Wow! I feel god out here!”. No, you feel science. You feel plants, animals and fresh air. Yes, it is beautiful but I don’t know why you would want to feel a wrinkly old man out here.
I can’t just say that I “feel” god doesn’t exist. There has to be a reason. There has to be logic. Ironically, it was logic that led me to believe god doesn’t exist.
When I was 7 years old I found out the Easter Bunny wasn’t real after looking it up in the phone book and discovering there was no “Bunny, E”. My mom admitted it and I asked her if God existed since the easter bunny doesn’t exist.
God is pretty much the same idea as the tooth fairy, easter bunny and Santa, except adults still believe in God.
What if God was just like Santa? Like “Oh you don’t have to act good! God doesn’t exist! We just die and there’s no afterlife because that doesn’t make sense! HAHAHA GOTCHA LIL’ JOHNNY!”
I digress.
I am so sure god doesn’t exist because it doesn’t make logical sense. A man in a sky telling you what to do and what not to do? Earth created by another man? We are just animals, like cats or snakes. We just happened to figure things out faster than any other animal. We are not that special. We are quite stupid to have created a god out of our minds and said “This fictional man did it!” and have a huge population believe this is true.
I am an atheist because of logic. I am an atheist because believing in something with no proof doesn’t make sense. I am an atheist because just because religions have existed for a long period of time, doesn’t make their beliefs a fact. It does make their actions funny things for us to read in textbooks.
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