Friday, July 19, 2013

Old Goals/New Goals

Back in late 2011 and early 2012 I had created quite a few goals to complete which I had blogged about. I haven't revisited these in forever. It's sort of like a time capsule, but it hasn't been buried that long, just for a year and a half or so.

Here they are:

Things I said quote "I am going to do"

1. To get a second job:

I did get a second job. It took a few months, and I quit about 8 months later because it was too much work. Technically I am still an employee at that place, since they still have my records. I am sort of an "on-call" employee, that never gets called.

2. Going to do yoga

 I never really did yoga. I did for about 2 months at home and then I joined the gym and did everything but yoga. I rarely even stretch. I know I should. But I just don't find yoga something that appeals to me anymore, anyways.

3. Going to get a car

I haven't done this yet either! I am next month (hopefully). I almost have the money for it! 4. Going to study hard. Well I guess I did. I graduated high school with honours and my tuition first year of university is free because of my grades... so I say I did well.

New Things I want to try in 2012:

1. Skiing:
Nope. I had tried to make plans with one of my friends, but they repeatedly fell through.

 2. Waterskiing.
Still no.

3. Get a massage.
Nope. I was actually close to it recently, to get one for running since I injured myself, but I didn't.

4. Make a rap.
HAHA I ACTUALLY DID. Like I wrote one, not performed it. I can't rap to save my life.

5. Stand up comedy
I didn't do this, but I do write comedy stories/sketches sometimes, just for my own personal entertainment.

6. Yoga
Apparently I repeated this goal twice.

My Official new Years Resolution:
Drink more water- I don't drink water as often as I should, but I know I do more now than I did in 2012.
Do more Yoga- Apparently I used to really want to do yoga.
Maintain my weight- This has changed so much. I ended up joining the gym and so I gained weight from lifting weights. So technically I want my weight to go up as long as my body fat % goes down. Be more spontaneous- I suppose I have...
Get a second job- I've already discussed this Do well at drivers ed + get g2- I completed drivers ed, and I am literally going for my final G licence tomorrow!

I am now going to analyze this intensely.

My goals were mostly fitness and driving related. I completed the important ones, like getting a second job. It's so weird looking back at this stuff. I feel so different from here.

I am going to create 5 new goals, and officially say goodbye to these old completed and not completed ones.

1. Join something at my university. I either want to do Cross Country or Improv but I am thinking I will join the Philosophy or Psychology society. I don't know which. I will pick one and do it.

2. Get my G licence. As I said, I am going for it tomorrow (July 19th). I have heard it is very easy to fail it, and although I plan to pass it, there is a very good chance I will not. As long as I get it by the end of this summer. This isn't very optimistic, but whatever.

3. Connect with someone. I am obviously not mentioning this person's name, but there is someone I want to connect with more. By this I mean I want to talk to them more. I'll keep it at that.

4. Not go into debt more than $200. I refuse to go into debt. I have been in debt, not much, usually just a few hundred, which I can handle within a few weeks-1 month. But it is horrible. I am keeping my credit card, mainly for the use of online shopping. But I am horrible with money. I hope to never go into debt more than $200 ever again. Actually, I don't hope. I won't.

5. Finish my book. The book I have been working on, may end up like the many others of mine and not get finished. I plan to finish this one.

Let's do this!

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