Sunday, May 19, 2013

My life is imagined

On Friday I was on stumbleupon and came across this post.

Number 4 of that post really caught my eye.

Essentially, the author stated that most of life is imagined. It really makes sense and kind of explained a lot.

As humans we spend so much time thinking, that thinking is really a large part of our lives. Even if it isn't just thinking about what's for dinner or what the meaning of life is.

I find myself running through random scenarios in my head all of the time. Often I'll take events or conversations that happened, and re-imagine them to go the way I wanted, or even a completely terrible way.

I really can't help my mind that much. It just wanders and then suddenly I realize that no, I have not won the lottery, or no, I have not lost all of my teeth, and that I am actually just sitting at my desk.

I know I can't be alone in this. But I do feel like I do this a lot more than the average person, because I like to spend a lot of time by myself. If I am doing something menial, like my job, or cleaning or going for a run or walk, or I am at the gym, I tend to imagine a lot of things.

So I realized: That a lot of my life IS imagined. Even more than the average person.

I don't think it is a bad thing, I like my imaginations in my life. As a kid I had imaginary friends, now I don't go to that extent now, but I do like to run scenarios through my head and picture how things might be different if X happened or if Y happened.

The author pointed to the quote "I've been through some terrible things in my life, some of which have actually happened" by Mark Twain.

I love this quote so much. I relate to this so well. Quite often when I can't sleep at night it's because I am imagining some intense, bad, terrifying scenario, and I can't shake it. This just reminds me of that quote. I think it is kind of funny.

This is also an amazing post about imagination and how big of a role it plays.

Man, I love my imagination.

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