Sunday, May 26, 2013

14 Lessons I've learned in High School

I feel like my blog is about to get repetitive, focusing around the topics of grad, prom and university. So many big changes. Anyways. Here is a list of lessons I've learned throughout high school.

1. Drama is stupid, yet unavoidable. 
Drama seems so cliche, yet it is so hard to avoid, even if you're trying. Guys start drama as well as girls. It is stupid, and it won't last forever. 

2. It doesn't matter if you have a boyfriend or not.
Considering the fact I went though high school without ever having a boyfriend... well I lived. I wish I had one, of course, but if you don't ever have a boyfriend or girlfriend, it is not terrible. 

3. Being alone is okay.
It is okay if you have days without friends or people to talk to. I used to have terrible anxiety in like grade 9 when my friends weren't at school, or when I had a class without any friends in it. It's stupid to be anxious over that, now I am fine on my own, whenever. 

4. Your teachers won't bite you.
I don't know why I was afraid of talking to teachers in younger grades, I get that it can be weird/scary to some people to talk to them, but it won't hurt you, just do it.

5. You will lose friends.
I don't know anybody who hasn't either lost a friend, had one move away, or switched who your best friend is. Things change, people change. 

6. Its okay to start new things halfway through high school.
In grade 9 and a bit of grade 10 I was super stressed about finding my "thing" because I felt like everybody had something, whether it was a sport or a club. I didn't really join anything, then, and I was kind of too shy to, as well. I did craft club for a bit in grade 9. I did hip hop outside of school in grade 
nine. Grade 11 I did GSA (gay straight alliance). Grade 12 I signed up for cross country. I started running in grade 11, and I wasn't really athletic before then... you can get new hobbies and likes later rather than earlier in grade 9. Don't be afraid to join something in grade 9, and don't think you'll be excluded because you are now in grade 11 or 12. 

7. Grades are important, but what you learn is more important.
I got a 78% in Exercise science, which I knew I would be bad at that course since I am terrible at memorization and science, but I learned so many good lessons. I am glad I took that course... even though it was my lowest mark in a grade 12 course. I learned more in that course than I did in grade 12 law, which is my highest mark at the moment.

8. Don't take a course just because your friend is in it.
If you don't want to take that course, then don't. Simple as that.

9. The purpose of school is to learn, not to goof off with friends.
Schools were created to learn inside of. Learn inside of them. Make friends, sure, do that, it is part of the high school experience and you should make friends. But honestly, when it comes down to it, learning is the most important part in high school. Use your time outside of school to goof off. 

10. You aren't going to like everything/everyone.
You are going to hate some of your courses, teachers and classmates. But it is a skill you are going to have to develop, to cope with things you hate. Don't skip or get into fights over it, just deal with it and focus on the courses, teachers and classmates you actually like.

11. It isn't that bad. 
At times things do get bad. Being a teenager is stressful, you will go through things that will make you want to punch a puppy, but it passes. You always hear that high school is terrible and it really isn't. You will have good and bad experiences. But in the end, graduating, the good experiences are all that matter.

12. Stay healthy and active and don't sacrifice sleep (too often).
Don't eat cafeteria food EVERYDAY. Once in a while is okay. But do try to eat healthy. You don't have to join football or track, but at least try to walk or something. Being healthy and active help your brain. I don't recommend pulling all-nighters, but once in a while is okay. Try to get 7+ hours of sleep. I recommend about 8. But try not to go below 7. Sleep is your friend.

13. Don't get too busy. 
Don't take 4 hard courses, get a part time job, volunteer and keep up your social life. You are going to have to quit SOMETHING. There were many times in high school my course load was really light, so I could spend my time doing whatever. But I had 2 part time jobs from 2nd semester grade 11 until partway through 1st semester grade 12. In grade 11, it was fine. At the time I had law, history, english and art. My course load wasn't light, but it wasn't too bad. Grade 12 1st semester I had english, 2 history courses and exercise science, and I couldn't keep up with the amount of exercise I was doing and my two jobs, so I had to quit one. You will be more stressed out if you try to "have it all". You are going to have to quit something, don't fear it.

14. Record what you do in high school.
Buy a yearbook every year, write a journal, blog, take photos, make videos, keep keepsakes and timetables. Make a box, put the stuff in it, open it up 10 years from now, cry. You want to remember these things. Grade 9 + 10 I took a LOT of photos and videos. I write journals, not often, but maybe 6-8 times a YEAR about all of the important things. I keep any certificates, funny things my friends drew, I keep some of my notes from my favourite classes. Someday I'll be glad I did this. You should do this now, too.

I'm going to miss my school.

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