Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I'm Not Perfect

Perfection. Having everything just completely right, the way you want.

I don't think I am a perfectionist.

I try really hard at what I do in school, work and my hobbies, but I don't expect to come out perfect. I usually expect to come out better than most people, but not the best. Is this perfectionism? No. Maybe I have high expectations, but I am not a perfectionist. But is that really better to have high expectations? I get let down easily.

A lot of people think I am a perfectionist. I find myself trying to convince people I am not a perfectionist. Especially to people at school. I just got perfect attendance. Do you know how hard is to convince people you are not perfect, right after you get that?

I don't think people expect me to do well all of the time. I hope not, at least. I think people just sort of assume I try hard at everything.

But I find myself purposely exploiting my weaknesses, in person to some people, and mostly on twitter, just to bring myself down in the eyes of others.

See, I am pretty comfortable with who I am, to myself. I act differently and change who I am a little, just to change the perspective other people have of me--- even if that is not the right opinion they should have. People always freak out at this too. Changing yourself for other people. But that is how I get ahead in life.

I am technically not changing myself, I'm just changing what people think of me.

This can get complicated, actually. If I show one person more aspects of one side of me, and another different aspects, so I appeal to them more, or possible even appeal to them less.

My point with this is that
- I am not perfect
- Some people tend to think I am perfect, so I exploit myself to change their mind

I think all people understand what I am trying to say about changing yourself. I think I just look at my personality in a lot of different ways. If I were to describe myself, to myself I would say I am quiet, analytical and weird. If I were to describe myself to a teacher I might call myself quiet, determined and dedicated.

My mom keeps telling me not to be hard on myself. People tell me to stop being hard on myself. They tell me to stop being a perfectionist.

But I am not perfect. I may have perfect attendance, try to look my best (on most days), practice really hard at running, lift weights and go to the gym, get good grades, etc.

But I also am not perfect at any of those things. I have only ever gotten top mark in ONE of my classes. I get good grades, but not the best.
I don't always look my best, I can't help that sometimes.
I injure myself while running, and have never gotten first in any running event, but I have always placed in the top 50% of my division.
I lift weights, more than the average woman, but I am still not the best.

Well my attendance may be "perfect" but that didn't count snow days. That technically didn't count the enormous amounts of time in english last semester we had supply teachers, and I would ask to go to the library and then just walk around the school.

Also, I completely forgot to do an entire half of a law assignment, that was worth a LOT. Luckily my teacher let me finish it lsat night to hand in today.

I am not perfect.

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