Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Goals update :)

As you have seen from the past, I have a BILLION goals. I am actually doing REALLY well on them, and I thought I'd share how I am doing so far.

First I'll start off with what I wanted to do over the holidays:

1. I wanted to finish my exam notes:
I have my Accounting + Family Studies notes done. Math... I may make some BRIEF notes, just like a little bit of everything, but it is more doing then remembering. And Fashion, we got a new teacher after all of our lessons and tests were done.. so I have absolutely no idea what is going to be on the exam, therefore I didn't write exam notes.

2. I wanted to "take photos":
Dilemma. I couldn't find my moms camera, and I didn't want to use mine. Therefore I took my flipcam and made a video for youtube, going for a walk. I am not sure if I am uploading it or not yet.

3. I wanted to relax.
I did. A lot. It was good. I watched a lot of 30 Rock.

Things I said quote "I am going to do"
1. To get a second job:
I applied at about 16 places. Only one is hiring, which I really want to work there. But all of the places put my resume on file.. so maybe I'll get a call in a few months. If I don't have any interviews or calls back by the end of January I might call back the one place that is hiring, and I will apply at more places.

2. Going to do yoga
I have been doing yoga.. about 4 times a week for at least 20 minutes. GUESS WHAT! I am getting flexible already :). I am like an inch or two closer to reaching my toes in different positions, my downward dog is getting better AND. MY BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT YET: I CAN STRAIGHTEN MY BACK LEANING FORWARD. Like a table? Its hard to explain, so I took a picture.

Which is now deleted because of Lauren thinking its too sexual and threatening to show the world :)

3. Going to get a car
I have made absolutely no progress here yet. I need to go to the bank to either set up an account or take out some money to put aside.. maybe $40 this week.. I have to buy my friend a birthday gift. :P

4. Going to study hard.
I find it impossibly hard to focus lately. Like, doing math at home, I can't take more then 15 minutes without having to walk around. But I'll do it for like an hour. I'll do 1-3 questions taking somewhere around 10-15 minutes and then I'll get up and walk around and go crazy for a couple of minutes and sit back down AND REPEAT.

New Things I want to try in 2012:
1. Skiing:
I AM GOING SKIIING AT THE END OF THIS MONTH! After exams a friend and I are going skiing! My friend skis downhill, and says they do it "really bad" but we are going to try cross country skiing for the first time together. I might do downhill sometime in February.

2. Waterskiing.
It is not summer and I am in Canada.

3. Get a massage.
I have failed at this epicly. I need one so bad.

4. Make a rap.
Its been on my mind for a while, but I haven't gotten around to it.

5. Stand up comedy
No progress.

6. Yoga
As I said, it is going well :D

My Official new Years Resolution:
Drink more water- CHECK! :D I am drinking some now
Do more Yoga- Wow I have a lot of goals on yoga....
Maintain my weight- I haven't weighed myself in a while :S
Be more spontaneous- The furthest I got in this was googling "how to be more spontaneous"
Get a second job- applied at places
Do well at drivers ed + get g2- I can't get my G2 yet, but drivers ed is going okay. I was on the 401 the other day.

I hope this inspires you to get your lazy asses up and make at least ONE GOAL. PROMISE ME. YOU WILL MAKE 1 GOAL! 1. Thats it. I am going to make a blog on goal setting + goal MAINTAINING soon.

On my old blog I used to have a little thingy I'd put at the end of my blog, sorta like a "where I am at" right now like "love status" and "song now playing" etc, but instead for this blog, I am going to post a "life advice" thing at the end, which may be serious, sarcastic or funny advice on life in my eyes.

Life Advice: To piss somebody off that you are fighting with/mad at, just be happy so smile and have fun and laugh and be as happy as you can, it will confuse them and therefore piss them off more, although this may just worsen the fight BUT REMEMBER You are always winning if you are happy.

That was full of cheese. Very cheesy.

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