Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I am making MORE GOALs. YAY! They are to complete by Monday. So basically.. I have Weds-Sunday to complete them.

1. Get a gym membership. I don't care. I wasn't going to join until I got a job, but I am going to now. I will just take the bus everywhere. I'll get used to it eventually.

2. Get my hair done. I am calling my hair dresser tomorrow. I am going to get dark brown and possibly black lowlights.

3. Lose the 3.5 pounds I gained... but I am going to say to complete this by Valentines day, because its slightly unhealthy to just lose 3.5 pounds in 5 days. I will have 14 days.. 2 weeks to do it. Much more healthier.

4. Try something completely new. It would've been skiing, but those plans fell through :( SOOOO I am going to find something new to try. Sushi? Maybe... I have a better idea though... but I need to get somebody else to do it with ;). Not sex. No. Bad thoughts.

Ugh. I might as well do an "update" on my goals. I feel really bad about it though...

Things I said quote "I am going to do"
1. To get a second job:
I have an interview this week.. sometime. I am going to call them back tomorrow, because they haven't called me back to set up a time! :D I might hand out more resumes... but maybe not.

2. Going to do yoga
I am failing at this... :(. I do yoga, just not as often as hoped for. Its because I was working out less to study for exams.

3. Going to get a car
Yeah. I am not even going to go here.

4. Going to study hard.
I DID IT :D I think I did well on all of my exams.. except my EASIEST course, because I barely studied.

New Things I want to try in 2012:
1. Skiing:
I was supposed to go this Friday.. but my plans fell through :(

2. Waterskiing.
It is not summer and I am in Canada.

3. Get a massage.
Yeah... haven't done this yet.

4. Make a rap.
Hahahaha. I was rapping randomly the other day, but not to complete my goal. For the record... I am WHITE. And a GIRL. So stereotypically, I am bad at rapping

5. Stand up comedy
No progress. But I have decided that if I fail at becoming a psychologist I will become some form of stripper/comedian.

6. Yoga

My Official new Years Resolution:
Drink more water- I am doing this a lot! I think I had like 1.5L of water yesterday... which is a lot more then usual
Maintain my weight- I've gained 3.5 pounds. FFFFFFFF
Be more spontaneous- I'll get there when I get there.
Get a second job- as I said.... yeah. I got an interview sometime.
Do well at drivers ed- I am doing well! I haven't been getting in as much driving time, but I have a lesson tomorrow! I think I am almost done lessons... I just need to practice a lot. I am a lot more confident in switching lanes and backing up now! :)

Life Advice: If you want it, go the FUCK for it. - The wise words of Sarah Slajsdkflahlwekr.

Monday, January 30, 2012

I talk like a...

Okay. So in Family studies we were talking about Gender differences in communication. I remember while taking the note I found that I was on the side of talking like a guy AND talking like a girl. So I am going to turn that note we took into a quiz type thing, that I will do, and you can do.


Competition based on outdoing opponent [x]
Straight Forward []
Make Strong Arguments [x]
Expect to Be Challenged [x]
Total Male So far: 3

Relate to Others on Equal Footing [x]
Seek Support []
Make Tentative Arguements []
View Challenge as Personal Attack []
Total Female so far: 1


Irregular Eye Contact []
Infrequent Nodding []
Infrequent Use of "Uh Huh" []
May Continue Activity when other is speaking [x]
Interrupts in Order to Speak [x]
Questions Are Designed to Analyze Speaker's Information [x]

Uninterupted Eye Contact [x]
Frequent Nodding []
Frequent Use of "Uh Huh" []
Usually Stops other Activities When Listening []
Waits for Pauses in Order to Speak [x]
Questions are Designed to Elicit More information []
TOTAL Female so Far: 2


Few Pauses []
May Abruptly Change topic [x]
Speaks until interupted []
Speaks Louder then Previous Speaker []
Frequent use of "I" and "Me" [x]
Personal Self-Disclosure rarely included []
Humor Delivered as Seperate Jokes and Anecdotes []
Humor often based on Kidding or making fun of others [x]
Total Male so far: 3

Frequent Pauses [x]
Connects Information to Previous Speaker's [x]
Stops Speaking when information is delivered [x]
Uses same volume as previous speaker []
Frequent use of "we" and "us" []
Personal Self-Disclosure often included [x]
Humor Interwoven into discussion content []
Humor Rarely based on kidding or making fun of others []
Total Female So far: 4

Now total up total male and total female responses...
Female: 7
Male: 9

Oooh. Its so close. But I seem to Speak more like a female but listen and communicate more like a guy. Interesting.

What did you get? :) BLOG IT or just do it on your own!

Life Advice: If a monkey is slapping you, walk away.

Sunday, January 29, 2012



I still don't understand it. After learning about it in English, Family Studies, History, so on and so forth.. what teacher said that a lot? Moncrieff? "So on and so forth". I think so. Anyways. ADHD. So after learning about feminism so much I am still going "wtf".

Basically what I know about it is that it looks at things in the POV of women and things like discrimination towards women.

Okay. Well.. where I stand with this is saying, women are equal to men. I am actually tired of all of this "women power" shit thats going around. Just STFU.

But in the work force, men and women still aren't equal. Its not illegal to give a man a $1000 paycheque and a woman a $750 one for the same amount of work, or vice versa in Canada. And only 1 out of 100 of the top CEOs in Canada is a woman.

But I am just sick of all of the girl pride, sticking together shit. Just stfu.

I just don't understand "feminists". I mean, I have googled the shit out of that. Let me do it again. I know Tina Fey is a feminist.

I mean. I just call it "sexist". Not "feminist". Idk. Its confusing to me. I probably seem like an idiot.

But I am a chick.

The one thing I do think that is really sexist towards women is the god damned fucking bible. There are so many passages about women obeying men that make me want to burn down a church.

Women are independant. Men are independant. Lets be independant together now.

I mean, I was born more into a society of equality, so maybe if I was born earlier I would give more of a shit, but I honestly don't freaking care enough. Same with racism, if I was born earlier maybe I would care more.

But as far as I see, we are mostly equal.

In some societies its almost starting to reverse. I have seen women treated better then men, because if a man tries to be equal they will be seen as sexist. I have seen black people get a job instead of a white man because the company "needs ethnicity".

I mean, some governments and programs give companies money to NOT hire the white man.

AND WHAT I REALLY DO NOT GET is when girls are like "Oh! Lets be equal Men and women are equal!" AND THEN THEY EXPECT THE GUY TO PAY FOR DINNER. No. Gurl. If you want to be equal you is paying half. If he insists okay, if you insist, okay, but COME THE FUCK ON.

Also, why can't girls ask guys out now? Why don't girls propose to guys? Let the past go if you want to move on.. feminists!

Am I a feminist? I still don't understand it. So I have no fucking idea.

I just want bitches to stop insisting on equality that acting like dumb idiots and insisting dinner be paid for.

I give up.

Life Advice: Double check everything.

Friday, January 27, 2012


I decided to start posting papers of mine up on here and such. Because they CAN be interesting.

This is my Literature Review on "How Teacher-Student Relationships affect Academic, Social and Emotional Success".I got one of the best marks in the class on this, and it is what my Seminar was based upon. I got a "4" average on it, I got 2 4+s and 1, 4-.

I am not doing it to brag, I am just posting it so it actually informs more people, because I found it interesting! So enjoy :) I think it looks shorter in my blog.. my actual thing was like 7 pages double spaced. Its about 1,800 words. PLEASE DO NOT COPY. THANK YOU

Enjoy :)

Teacher-student relationships affect academic, social and emotional success in many different ways. Receiving high academic achievement is important to many students and having positive, friendly, close, respectful and appreciative relationships with a teacher is important to achieving success in academics. In contrast, some student-teacher relationships such as, conflictual and disrespectful produce a lower academic achievement level. Teachers influence a student’s social success through student-teacher relationships, by giving students opportunities to learn in social situations and teaching them social skills. Within student-teacher relationships teachers influence and aid students’ emotional success, as it is important to students’ well-being and academic successes as well. Having a reciprocal caring relationship between a student and a teacher is very important to academic, social and emotional success within school, and should be a portrayed trait between the student and especially the teacher.

How Teacher-Student Relationships Positively affect a Student’s Academic Achievement

A student-teacher relationship greatly effects the academic success of students. Receiving high academic achievement in school is what schools and curriculums generally aim for within students, and the teacher-student relationship plays a huge role within this (Fried, 2001). An experiment was conducted upon 40 college students to determine the effects of positive greetings on test grades. On the first test day the professor greeted them with “I am glad you are in class today!” and on another test day they received no pre-class attention. On the day when students received positive greetings, they had a higher test average (85.25%) then the day they didn’t (67.05%) (Weinstein, Laverghetta, Alexander & Stewart, 2009). This means that if a teacher establishes a positive and caring relationship with their students, it produces positive academic grades. Generally students perform better on tasks if they feel respected and appreciated by their teachers (Fried, 2001). Students that have close, positive and supportive relationships with teachers will achieve higher levels of achievement (Rimm-Kaufman, 2011). Although teachers have to follow a curriculum, they need to make it exciting for students so they can make connections to an area or skill (Fried, 2011, p 106). By creating a relationship with their students, teachers can determine how the students learn, and if the teacher teaches in a way that the students are engaged, then they retain the information longer and create a higher understanding. Having a personal connection, frequent communication and guidance within a student-teacher relationship forms bonds of trust and creates more engagement in academic content and improves classroom behaviour, which then achieves higher levels in school (Rimm-Kaufman, 2011). Getting the student-teacher relationship to work takes courage on the part of the teacher, as they need to develop a mutual respectful relationship that lets students learn the curriculum (Fried, 2011, p 110).

How Teacher-Student Relationships Negatively affect a Student’s Academic Achievement

Certain relationships between a teacher and a student produce lower academic achievement levels. If teachers do not show caring towards their students then their academic grades suffer (Weinstein, Laverghetta, Alexander & Stewart, 2009). If students feel unappreciated and disrespected their attention spans decrease and conduct decreases and then teachers will have to try significantly harder to get their attention in class (Fried, 2009, p. 49). Rimm-Kaufman (2011) believes students with conflictual relationships with their teachers receive lower grades than those with positive, close and supportive relationships. Students that have conflict with teachers in a younger grade continued to have lower academic achievement all throughout school until the eighth grade because they remember the conflict they had with one teacher, and assume that they will have that conflict in all student-teacher relationships (Rimm-Kaufman, 2011). Overall, negative and conflictual relationships with teachers produce low academic achievement.

How Student-Teacher Relationships affect Students’ Social Success

Schools teach us many of the things we know, including social skills, and teachers play a big influence on how we learn to act socially. Student-teacher relationships influence the way we interact, learn, and build our community (Bird & Sultmann, 2010). Teachers will show students different skills associated with socializing. In a student-teacher relationship, teachers should instruct students on manners, care and teach them social skills (Green, 2009). It is very important for teachers to ensure positive social communication within the classroom and teachers teach students to listen with respect, share ideas and share interpretations of ideas (Fried, 2001, p. 191). Fried (2001) believes teachers should teach social skills within the classroom by, creating discussion groups about topics, making speeches, eliminating put-downs and teasing, and emphasizing read-aloud skills (p. 192-193). Teachers try to create a socially acceptable environment, by trying to eliminate shyness, aggressiveness and cultural differences (Fried, 2001, p. 180). A classroom setting needs a positive environment to bring a sense of community into the class to promote learning skills, by holding discussions in class (Fried, 2001, p. 48-54). When teachers and students hold a positive relationship, it promotes other students to hold identical positive relationships with their community and classmates (Rimm-Kaufman, 2011). When the school holds a successful social environment between all relations (Teacher-student, student-student, teacher-teacher etc.,) then this also helps promote academic success (Parsons & Harding, 2011). Children with close relationships with their teachers develop better social skills then those with conflictual relationships with their teachers. (Rimm-Kaufman, 2011). Therefore, by having a good student-teacher relationship, students are able to have more social success.

How Teacher-Student Relationships affect Students’ Emotional Success

A student’s emotional success is very important to the student inside and outside of the classroom. Being emotionally successful is very important to academic success because a learner learns best when in an optimum state of well-being (Bird & Sultmann, 2010). In a successful student-teacher relationship, teachers understand that students carry around emotional baggage with them and sometimes bring it with them to school (Green, 2009). For a teacher to help create emotional success in students, they need to be a confidant, be a friend, they need to nurture, discipline, ensure student’s safety inside and outside of the classroom by watching for warning signs for abuse, praise and encourage and be a positive role model (Green, 2009). All of these things help create a safe and caring environment, which is required for a state of well-being to be established (Bird & Sultmann, 2010). Within the relationship, teachers should get to know students and spend time with each student individually to help promote emotional success (Rimm, Kaufman, 2011). Showing students you care within a student-teacher relationship can help their self-esteem (Green, 2009). Rimm-Kaufman (2011) says teachers also need to be aware of the messages they are sending to their students, and ensure they are sending only positive messages for a positive emotional response. Teachers need to teach self-awareness, social awareness, self management, relationship skills and responsible decision making so student can form a positive well-being for social success (Bird & Sultmann, 2010). Within a student-teacher relationship, teachers need to understand that kindness and respect is not enough for emotional success, and they also should not give up quickly on negative relationships (Rimm-Kaufman, 2011). Overall, a student-teacher relationship is important for emotional success, teachers need to be there for students to help them develop their well-being as emotional and academic success frequently intermix.

How caring is important to the success of students and the Student-Teacher Relationship

Within a student-teacher relationship, caring is an important skill for teachers and students for developing academic, social and emotional success. Showing students you care within a student-teacher relationship can help their self-esteem (Green, 2009). Green (2009) states being a confidant and a friend for a student shows caring which helps with academic and emotional success. Student and teacher relationships should be defined by “positive” and “caring” and they should ask themselves how they can show that they care for each other by using actions (Parsons & Harding, 2011). One way teachers can show they care about their students inside and outside of the classroom, is by showcasing their learning such as assignments they have done, or even by acknowledging something they have done outside of class (Rimm-Kaufman, 2011). Traits such as caring, respect, professionalism and commitment are important skills for a teacher to possess in a student-teacher relationship (Brady, 2009). When you show a student that you care about them, they generally receive better test grades (Weinstein, Laverghetta, Alexander & Stewart, 2009). Although caring is very important, teachers shouldn’t think that being caring, kind, respectful is enough to boost achievement, there needs to be many set goals (Rimm-Kaufman, 2011). Overall, even though caring should not be the only trait expressed, it is one of the most important characteristics that should be expressed within a student-teacher relationship, to promote academic, social and emotional success.
Therefore, teacher-student relationships are extremely important to academic, social and emotional learning. Having successful relations and producing shared traits such as caring, respect, positivity, support, friendly, etc., between a student and a teacher produce positive results in students’ academics, social and emotional learning. Teachers and students are very important to each other, and having a conflictual and/or poor relationship between them can risk having negative academic, social and emotional results. Overall, there should be more of a demand placed on the importance of successful relationships between the student and teacher to be able to increase the success socially, emotionally and academically.


Bird, K. A., & Sultmann, W. F. (2010). Social and emotional learning: Reporting a system approach to developing relationships, nurturing well-being and invigorating learning. Educational & Child Psychology, 27(1), 143-155. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Brady, L. (2011). Teacher Values and Relationship: Factors in Values Education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(2), 56-66. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Dozier, C., Garnett, S., & Tabatabai, S. (2011). Responsive Teaching through Conversation. Reading Teacher, 64(8), 636-638. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Fried, R. (2001). The Passionate Learner: How Teachers and Parents Can Help Children Reclaim the Joy of Discover. Massachusetts: Beacon Press.

Green, T. (2009). Chapter 8: More Than an Educator: Being What Your Students Need. In, How to Be Successful in Your First Year of Teaching Elementary School: Everything You Need to Know That They Don't Teach You in School (pp. 197-208). Atlantic Publishing Company. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Parsons, J., & Harding, K. (2011). Making Schools Work Better. Online Submission, Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Rimm-Kaufman, Sara. (2011) Improving Student’s Relationships with Teachers to Provide Essential Supports for Learning. Retrieved November 1, 2011 from, http://www.apa.org/

Weinstein, L., Laverghetta, A., Alexander, R., & Stewart, M. (2009). Teacher Greetings Increase College Students' Test Scores. College Student Journal, 43(2), 452-453.

Monday, January 23, 2012


As you know, I want to keep my blog somewhat inspiring. So I am going to blog about FITNESS CRAP. Which is weird, because for the past week I have been really bad... :( Boo.


So I want YOU to workout. Why? Not to be skinny. Thats just a bonus.

Fitness is... health. Happiness.

Its ABSOLUTELY PROVEN that being healthy + working out help promote happiness. It is a HUGE stress reliever. Also, if you do something like study or read right afterwords, its a good idea because your heart rate is up.

So I workout to stay healthy! Weight loss... if it happens, is kind of a bonus!

So here are my techniques/other things.

1) The EASIEST thing you can do is Dance/Zumba. It doesn't really work your muscles TOO much. But it is fun. I usually watch videos on youtube and do that. After doing one video 3-4 times I get bored of it. I will post some good Zumba Channels and video links below here. Zumba/Dance is basically just cardio. But if you do it for 30 minutes just 4 times a week, you will start to feel healthier. This is one of the most lightweight things you can do.







2) Pilates. Which is the hard stuff. It is working your muscles and toning up certain areas. I have a bunch of pilates videos I like as well. I will post them below. But this stuff is harder. I am honestly not that strong. But I will tell you something: It is the thing I have being doing the longest! My abs are actually really good... not the BEST they've been. But they are "invisible" ie, under a layer of fat. Because.. you HAVE ABSOLUTE HAVE TO do cardio with Pilates. You may gain muscle but nobody is going to see it with that layer of fat. Cardio is what BURNS THE FAT. Pilates GIVES YOU MUSCLES! I like to work my arms, abs, glutes and legs. I am mainly focusing on all of those except legs at the moment. I switch my focus from time to time, based on how I feel about certain parts of my body.





Various videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/psychetruth

3) Biking! this is one of my favourite things to do.. but obviously... it is winter. But its fun cardio! You can listen to music, sometimes I listen to podcasts (Go onto iTunes, download some podcasts and LEARN while you bike!)

4) Walking. Its highly underestimated. I go for walks all of the time. Mostly just for fun. I walk all over all of the time for fun. Obviously, not as much in the winter. But in the summer I basically went for a walk everyday. For about at least 2 hours. Its not really going to help you LOSE weight.. if that is what you are looking for. But it is VERY mind healthy and it is physically healthy as well. It will help you burn calories!

5) Yoga. As well with walking, it isn't as lose weighty... but it CAN help cause flexibility, its good for stretching and its very "mind good" as well.


6) Kick boxing! I haven't done this too much, but I did go through a phase. I have a Wii disc. I forget whats it called, but I got it from Wal Mart for $20. Its like a Golds gym cardio disc. I also have a dance golds gym disc.

My suggestion of frequency is as often as possible. But not too much! I like to try to target a total of 10 hours a week... So I generally do about 1-2 hours 5-6 days a week.

Thats what I TRY to do.. I haven't done that since early January. I have got caught up into exams.

But that is also a good time to fit into your workouts... when you are getting stressed about exams, take a 30 minute break and do some Zumba! :)

I don't do this, but as a suggestion, take some Zumba classes with friends :)

But here. I will help you with a schedule if you are a beginner:

Sunday: Go for a 1 hour walk, then come home and do 20 minutes of zumba.
Monday: Day off
Tuesday: Do 25 minutes of zumba and then do 1 pilates video of your choice.
Wednesday: Do 1, 10-20 minute Yoga video... IN THE MORNING. Before school!
Thursday: Do 25 minutes of zumba and 2 pilates videos of your choice.
Friday: Day Off
Saturday: Do 1 yoga video, then 20 minutes of cardio, and 1 pilates video.

1 More piece of advice is, MAKE A PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE. I have 2, they change all of the time, I change the order and such. I will put the 2 links of my youtube playlists below. But basically, you can just link up all of your favourite youtube videos for fitness in a row and just play them all continuously.



BUT HONESTLY. If I were to only give you 3 links off of this page that I BEG YOU to click.. these are it:

Zumba: http://www.youtube.com/user/LarissaZumbaCO/videos

Pilates/Cardio: http://www.youtube.com/user/blogilates/videos

Slightly Easier Pilates (Its what I started with): http://www.youtube.com/user/exerciseroutine/search?query=beach+bum

In that video I have the "beach bum" videos showing, but there are a lot more, I just like those specific ones on that channel.

But really, I recommend you brush over these videos and create a playlist on youtube (you need a youtube account to do this). But take the time to really look through them.

Get healthy! :)

Life Advice: JUST DO IT. - Nike

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Intense psychological thinking. HAHAHAH

Sh*t I've been saying.

"I am eating too much!"
"I am not working out enough!"
"I am not studying enough!"
"I am lazy!"
"I am messy!"

Some of you may agree with these statements, some may not. But let me get overly psychological on you.

So why do I think these things? Well, because I have been eating too much. How do I know this? Well... I don't look fatter. I have gained 2 pounds, but that could be anything. I think I have been eating too much because... I am eating more then usual? Well, maybe I was eating too little then and I am eating an average amount now.

So really... why do I think I am eating too much? Well. I believe (and many psychologists believe) that we learn things and form opinions based on everything else around us. So, we take life experiences, and what people say to us to form opinions and ideas. Well, since people around me are eating LESS then me, I feel I am eating too much.

Same with I am not working out enough. This is a mix of some people working out more around me, but more from feeling the pressure of having to be perfect.

"I am not studying enough" is the best example of hearing people say things and feeling like I am not studying enough. Like how people are like "I studied 5 hours last night" or I read somebodys twitter that says "Studying...." or someones facebook. And I automatically think I need to study at least as much as them. Also, this connects to the idea that everybody wants to be "better" then everyone else.

In family studies we were talking about this in someone's seminar. How people compare themselves to others and they constantly are like "Am I fat?" "Am I pretty?" and the teacher said her daughter once said "I am pretty right?" and her mom answered "Yes! of course!" and her daughter responded "But I am the PRETTIEST, right?". Her mom had to explain to her no, she is not prettier then everyone else in the world.

Well... really. Nobody is prettier then the next person. Society and some science has distorted our ideas of the "perfect" person.
Guys want waists so small and hips so large that women physically cannot have children.
Girls want hair so perfect that they are willing to spend insane amounts on hair products and risk the protection of their hair by dying it and using straightners and curlers.

I can really go on forever with this. But basically, society expects guys to be buff and girls to be skinny. BUT MY QUESTION IS WHY.

I had this one assignment once and we were talking about beauty in other cultures. Some cultures find fat women beautiful. So why do they think fat people are pretty, and why do we think skinny people are? Well.. some distorted groups in society. Probably mostly media, because the cultures that like "fatness" are more destitute in money, so being fat means you have more food and you are maybe, richer. In our society its hard to resist things like candies and being lazy, so its harder for us to be skinny then fat.

Maybe thats why? But then... how does that affect attraction?

I am going to stop this thought now because I can literally go on for hours.

Well... Goodnight :)

Life Advice: Talking is a right, not a privilege. Use your voice for something bigger and better, or just something you believe in. Speak.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Woot! Fun post (:


I am going to make a list of my top 10 favourite actors and actresses. Its mostly just to sort out my thoughts, because I like so many that I want to REMEMBER and make a list. Sometimes I simply forget. Also I am going to make a list of comedians I like (: I'll also write where I like them from, so TV shows movies etc.


10. Simon Helberg
The Big Bang Theory

9. Jesse Tyler Ferguson
Modern Family

8. Jason Sudeikis
30 Rock, SNL, The Rocker, Horrible Bosses

7. Rainn Wilson
The Office, Juno, The rocker

6.Will Arnett
Blades of Glory, Up All Night, 30 Rock,

5. Ed Helms
The Office, Evan Almighty, The Hangover part 2 (still havent see nthe 1st), Cedar Rapids

4. John Krasinski
The Office, Its Complicated, Licence to Wed, Something Borrowed

3. Rob Lowe
The Outsiders, The Invention of Lying, Parks and Recreation

2. Alec Baldwin
30 Rock, Its Complicated

1. Steve Carell
40 year old virgin, Date Night. The Office, Crazy Stupid Love, Evan Almighty.
I've loved him since 2007(:


10. Julia Roberts
Larry Crowne, Eat Pray Love, Valentines Day, Erin Brockovich, Runaway Bride,

9. Ellie Kemper
The Office, Bridesmaids,

8. Maya Rudolph
Up All Night, Bridesmaids, Away We Go,

7. Jenna Fischer
The Office, Blades of Glory

6. Troian Bellisario
Pretty Little Liars

5. Angela Kinsey
the Office

4. Kristen Wiig
- Whitney Cummings

3. Anne Hathaway
Valentines Day, The Devil Wears Prada, Get Smart, The Princess Diaries 1&2, Ella Enchanted, Bride Wars, Love and Other Drugs

2. Amy Poehler
Parks and Recreation, SNL, Baby Mama, Blades of Glory, Mean Girls,

1. Tina Fey
30 Rock, SNL, Mean Girls, Date Night, The Invention of Lying, Baby Mama, A.S.S.S.S.C.A.T.: Improv, Mean Girls

- Kassemg
- Amir Blumenfeld
- Chris D'Elia
- Tina Fey
- Ellen Degeneres
- Whitney cummings
- Amy Poehler

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Goals update :)

As you have seen from the past, I have a BILLION goals. I am actually doing REALLY well on them, and I thought I'd share how I am doing so far.

First I'll start off with what I wanted to do over the holidays:

1. I wanted to finish my exam notes:
I have my Accounting + Family Studies notes done. Math... I may make some BRIEF notes, just like a little bit of everything, but it is more doing then remembering. And Fashion, we got a new teacher after all of our lessons and tests were done.. so I have absolutely no idea what is going to be on the exam, therefore I didn't write exam notes.

2. I wanted to "take photos":
Dilemma. I couldn't find my moms camera, and I didn't want to use mine. Therefore I took my flipcam and made a video for youtube, going for a walk. I am not sure if I am uploading it or not yet.

3. I wanted to relax.
I did. A lot. It was good. I watched a lot of 30 Rock.

Things I said quote "I am going to do"
1. To get a second job:
I applied at about 16 places. Only one is hiring, which I really want to work there. But all of the places put my resume on file.. so maybe I'll get a call in a few months. If I don't have any interviews or calls back by the end of January I might call back the one place that is hiring, and I will apply at more places.

2. Going to do yoga
I have been doing yoga.. about 4 times a week for at least 20 minutes. GUESS WHAT! I am getting flexible already :). I am like an inch or two closer to reaching my toes in different positions, my downward dog is getting better AND. MY BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT YET: I CAN STRAIGHTEN MY BACK LEANING FORWARD. Like a table? Its hard to explain, so I took a picture.

Which is now deleted because of Lauren thinking its too sexual and threatening to show the world :)

3. Going to get a car
I have made absolutely no progress here yet. I need to go to the bank to either set up an account or take out some money to put aside.. maybe $40 this week.. I have to buy my friend a birthday gift. :P

4. Going to study hard.
I find it impossibly hard to focus lately. Like, doing math at home, I can't take more then 15 minutes without having to walk around. But I'll do it for like an hour. I'll do 1-3 questions taking somewhere around 10-15 minutes and then I'll get up and walk around and go crazy for a couple of minutes and sit back down AND REPEAT.

New Things I want to try in 2012:
1. Skiing:
I AM GOING SKIIING AT THE END OF THIS MONTH! After exams a friend and I are going skiing! My friend skis downhill, and says they do it "really bad" but we are going to try cross country skiing for the first time together. I might do downhill sometime in February.

2. Waterskiing.
It is not summer and I am in Canada.

3. Get a massage.
I have failed at this epicly. I need one so bad.

4. Make a rap.
Its been on my mind for a while, but I haven't gotten around to it.

5. Stand up comedy
No progress.

6. Yoga
As I said, it is going well :D

My Official new Years Resolution:
Drink more water- CHECK! :D I am drinking some now
Do more Yoga- Wow I have a lot of goals on yoga....
Maintain my weight- I haven't weighed myself in a while :S
Be more spontaneous- The furthest I got in this was googling "how to be more spontaneous"
Get a second job- applied at places
Do well at drivers ed + get g2- I can't get my G2 yet, but drivers ed is going okay. I was on the 401 the other day.

I hope this inspires you to get your lazy asses up and make at least ONE GOAL. PROMISE ME. YOU WILL MAKE 1 GOAL! 1. Thats it. I am going to make a blog on goal setting + goal MAINTAINING soon.

On my old blog I used to have a little thingy I'd put at the end of my blog, sorta like a "where I am at" right now like "love status" and "song now playing" etc, but instead for this blog, I am going to post a "life advice" thing at the end, which may be serious, sarcastic or funny advice on life in my eyes.

Life Advice: To piss somebody off that you are fighting with/mad at, just be happy so smile and have fun and laugh and be as happy as you can, it will confuse them and therefore piss them off more, although this may just worsen the fight BUT REMEMBER You are always winning if you are happy.

That was full of cheese. Very cheesy.

Monday, January 9, 2012

There must be SOME psychological theory to explain this

I have come to a realization.

The people I consider "close" to me, are not the people I would go to first in a crisis/depressed situation.

I open up best with people that I feel confident with and or I can actually confide in. Which for whatever reason, is not my friends/family.

Recently I really opened up with one adult. Most of my friends know who she is, but she helped me reason with a few things, and make more sense of some of my thoughts.

Also, today I had a small talk with another adult, somebody who made me feel good about myself.

Its always adults, and always adults that aren't close (so family).

But I ask myself, why? Its so weird! Its just, when something bad comes up, my first thought isn't go talk to my friends or mom. Its usually to just keep it in. But when I do let it out, I really do. I never really have had any deep conversations with any of my friends.. the last time was... my birthday or the blacklight dance, which came first? Those are my two initial thoughts. But those deep conversations weren't even about ME, which was fine.

I talk about myself a lot, but I talk mostly random bullshit (not lies, just bullshitting). I don't just, let myself out.

I also find when I do let myself out, I tend to offend somebody SOMEHOW. No matter what. Like if I say "I hate myself sometimes" somebody will be like "SARAH! Some people commit suicide! You can't say that!" or if I say "I am not smart" they will just scoff and say "You are...".

Nobody will let me finish, my family and friends try to REASON with me based on their own opinions.

The people I do talk to let me talk. The person I talked to today, I wouldn't go up to and tell them the situation I am in now because of who they are. But I got something off my chest to that person that I have been bringing up for WEEKS and nobody cares! Nobody will listen to me. They just get annoyed at me bringing it up. But maybe its because I want to talk about it.

By the way, I am NOT talking about a councillor or a psychologist. I am talking about actual people in my life.

But you wanna know something sad? Whenever I have these "deep conversations" I always almost start crying because I am actually having some SUPPORTIVE human contact.

And for family, I can talk to them about anything, but they refuse to reason with me.

I am not complaining about my friends or family though, I love them to pieces! I am just stating I find it weird that I don't like getting overly personal with them and having conversations about issues in my life with them.

I swear... there must be SOME psychological theory that can explain this. I just can't think of any at the moment...

Friday, January 6, 2012


I am an Individualist.

Recently, I found a bunch of words by just googling random things, and one of those words was "individualism". I was like,
WHOA! That is me!".

So now, I am here typing to tell you what an individualist is.

An Individualist is basically somebody who does things within their own interests, and acts as their own person. An individualist generally values goals and things such as relying upon yourself. We usually do not care to be influenced by external forces, IE family, friends, school, etc. Basically, wanting/having/believing to have the right to your own life without influence.

It can be connected to Sigmund Freud's theory of the "Id and the Ego" if you are familiar with it. A lot of people try to connect the individualist to the ego in his theory. But there are different types of "egos" I think the ego you are probably thinking of, like feeding off of compliments and being really self-proud etc. is not exactly what his theory says. ALTHOUGH some individualists are also not egoists.

But truthfully, I am an ethical egoist, which means that I act within my own interest without care to others, EXCEPT in harm. So for example, if there is something I really want for the benefit of myself, but I have to kill a man to get it, I wouldn't do that.

I know I am an individualist because I don't really care about others in retrospect to myself. I do care about others, and I want to be a psychologist, but I don't care with others in the sense that I don't want them to influence me unless I want to be influenced by them. So frequently I pass away any comments they make that I don't believe in. Something else I know I am is not the type of person to "give in" easily. I am very set in my ways and morals, and there is nothing that can stop that.

But I believe in individualism a lot in thinking about gender socialization (how children are raised for a girl to like pink and play with barbies and for a boy to like blue and play with trucks). I am not going to raise my children as much as they are going to raise themselves. Of course I am going to raise them and put them to bed and feed them. But I will allow my little boy to wear a dress if he wishes, or I will give them opportunities to make decisions on their own, and give them opportunities to learn about new cultures and foods etc.

The only thing I do not like about that style of raising is that it leaves it WIDE OPEN for them to become influenced by anything. People get influenced by everything around them, which is what I don't like.

But I also believe that if we were influenced by nothing, we would not have a life.

I guess my overall point is I am an individualist, an ethical egoist with strong morals and values and I think you should take your morals and values and CHOOSE what influences you. Tune out any negative sources, and tune into any positive things. Its easier then it sounds.

I hope you find this blog informative and educational and so you can learn a little more about me. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I have officially blogged about goals too many times.

Okay. So I am going to post short n sweet about my EXACT new years resolution. Here is what I want to accomplish:

I want to first of all, drink more water and do more yoga and I want to maintain my weight, unless it is muscle.

Second of all I want to be more spontaneous (something I lack greatly) and try new things (please refer to previous blog post about trying new things).

Thirdly I want to get a second job so I can get a car, and also I want to do well at drivers ed and then get my G2.

Lastly, I want to get good grades by studying and working harder.