Saturday, December 17, 2011

I am an anticonformist about the social norms of raising children.

So. I am going to start blogging again, occasionally. Not often.

I am going to share personal outlooks on this blog.

Today I am going to talk about children.

So, if you are reading this, you most likely know that I helped out with the Staff Kids Christmas Party. It was amazing! I helped a lot of kids make crafts and messes, cards, glue piles, ornaments, bracelets and necklaces. I just loved watching the kids too! Some of the teachers were just having the most fun with them. They were picking them up above their heads and giving them kisses. Then santa came and the kids were adorable! One of the girls was being dragged by her mom to see santa, and once they FINALLY got her on his lap, she gave him the BIGGEST HUG! I also helped with the parachute (You know those games with the colourful parachute and you bounce the balls around on top, and go under it?).

That was so amazing! It felt so good to do as well. So many teachers came up to us and thanked us and said it was amazing! I still wish I could've organized it though, I didn't get chosen to be one of the two organizers. And to be honest, I cried about it off and on for about 4 hours. I am generally used to getting what I want, emotionally, and I didn't get this and I was hurt.

But it just felt so good! Then one of the kids put the necklace she made around her Dad's neck and it was so cute!.

Later that day I was at my cousin's house helping to set up for her birthday, and I stayed from 3-8 for her actual birthday, but I was there at about 1:30. It was her, two of her friends (that are twins, and kids of one of the teachers) and another girl.

I was kinda just sitting back for a bit observing them play and being kinda bored. But then I got involved. Like when they were playing pin the tail on the donkey I stood infront of the donkey when one girl was blindfolded. I played hide and seek with them later.

But the most amazing (and tragic) thing that happened was when my cousin was crying because some paint got spilled on a carpet and her and her dad were having the BIGGEST Misunderstanding. I was sitting at the back of the room, where the three kids and marija could see me but not her dad that was yelling at her. The one little girl that I disliked was on HIS side and the twins were being honest. I just felt like standing up and explaining everything to them and being like OKAY UNCLE this is how you are wrong and Marija, this is how you are wrong, now stfu and play.

But what I ended up doing was I was sitting in the chair, and Marija was balling her eyes out and I sorta started crying, because she was, but she kept looking over at me while crying on the floor and I would smile at her (and thats why I was crying, because I was trying to help her and it was really sad) but eventually I stood up and said, "Marija, come with me" and shes like "Im going to my room" so we went to her room together, and then I just let her talk and I explained to her that I understood what was going on, and I completely understand how she feels, and then I hugged her and I was bawling my eyes out at that point, and then she was like "Why are you crying?" and I was like "Because you are, and it hurts to see you hurt" and she told me she loves me and we hugged. Then my mom came in and talked to her. And her dad came in and they got in a fight, and my mom talked to her and she calmed down, then her dad and her went and talked in another room, and she came out happy.

The rest of the night was fun though!

Right before I left the twins gave me a hug and were like "no! don't go! Your fun!". That was so sweet!

Anyways. My overall point of this blog was just to sum up my day which turned into a story, and say how much I love kids.

But today reminded me exactly why I want to have 3-5 kids. My family studies teacher was talking to us about why we do or don't want to have kids, and I was like "I really don't know.". Well I know again. I want to have a family. Why? I want to create and be with people that I can support and be supported by and share with and know that no matter what we'll always be there for eachother. Seeing the bad and good of kids today gave me that reality that I have been seeking for about a week.

I think I might look for somewhere I can volunteer with kids at. I really do like kids. I like helping them with crafts, and helping them with their problems and teaching them lessons of life.

The only 2 things I HATE about today were:
1. The amount of trash-talk marija and her friends had to say about random people at their school.
2. How much stereotyping there is within the gender of children. I.e.: Girls get dolls and like pink, and boys get trucks and blocks.

I am not into that, I am going to raise my boys and girls and give them equal amount of girl and boy toys, and dress them in fairly generic outfits (not like putting a boy in a dress or a girl in a truck shirt, just generic) and then when they are older, (maybe 3-5) let them choose what clothes they want to wear, and what toys they prefer. So that way if a boy wants to play dolls he can. And if my girl wants to wear overalls with trains on them, she can go right ahead.

I am mostly girly, but there is a little bit of man in me ;). Especially as a kid. I am not sure what happened, but as a kid I used to play in the trees and gardens and play spies, catch bugs, ride my bike. I always wanted a marble track set and a sandbox as a kid (which are fairly generic, but slightly more boyish), I used to fight with boys and pin them to the ground. But then again, I also liked wearing dresses and dressing nicely and girly, wearing jewelry, playing with barbies and having a LOT of stuffed animals.

This is just a personal choice of mine, I am an ANTICONFORMIST.

Google it. I am one. More then you know.

I'm back baby.

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