About the Blog

"The Caffeinated Philosophy Experiment" officially started in 2011.

Accessed at liquereduplogic.blogspot.com and past domain dadcanihavesomecrackerjacks.blogspot.com, the title "Liquered up Logic" is an ode to my addiction to alcohol and philosophy.

As a philosophy major  I like to express my thoughts and bullshit outside of the lecture room as well as to spread skepticism and curiousity about.

Common topics of conversation include:

  •  Atheism, religion
  •  Education
  •  Philosophical ideas
  •  Psychology
  •  Society
  •  Comedy
  •  General analyzations of day-to-day life
  •  Occasional creative pieces like poetry, stories, letters, etc.
  •  Personal blog posts about my life (boring, am I right?)

I don't have a set schedule for posting, but it usually occurs when I am bored or procrastinating schoolwork. There is no set schedule for posts, so check back once in a while or follow me on blogger to get the updates. Also all posts are posted to my Google+ account.

To find out more about the Author, Sarah, click here.

Make sure to check back regularly!

Last Updated: Aug 3, 2016


  1. I came across your blog while reading about nihilism, and I really enjoy your posts. We seem to have very similar outlooks on the world, which is always nice to find. I might even say you seem like a female version of myself (save the not being a music person thing, which I very much am.) It's a bold statement, I know. But you're a good writer, and if you ever want someone to give your poetry or whatever some attention, I'd love to read more.

    1. Thanks! This comment means a lot to me. I'm glad there's someone else out there that has a similar philosophy to me. I often feel like I'm alone in my philosophies. Keep up to date with my posts to see new content. I was thinking of writing more about nihilism in the future!

    2. You're welcome. And I'll definitely check in on your blog as much as I can!
