Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My course selections 2014-2015! (2nd Year Uni)

Subject to change...

I am taking 9 credits of psychology, 12 of philosophy, 6 of english and 3 sociology credits (I am double-majoring in psych& philosophy with an english minor). I am not looking forward to Scientific Method & Analysis, a mandatory class I have to take. The first 3 courses listed I am taking all year. 

I had to choose between Canadian, British or American literature for my english credits for my minor. I chose American lit, in hopes of having some Emerson or Twain. I generally like them the most. Canadian lit is too dry for me, and British lit is too... Dickens for me. No thank-you. Not that I dislike either, I just prefer Am lit.

Origins of Western philosophy is a mandatory credit for philosophy. Although I think I will like it. 

Philosophy of sex and love is a 3rd year credit, but I had to find something to fill up my schedule because for WHATEVER REASON every course I need to take is running on Tuesday from 12:30-3:30 so I had some major scheduling issues. Anyways, I wanted to take this course anyways. There are only 12 students in the course and I am one of them so I am especially happy. I think this will be my 2nd favourite course.

Psych of Industry and Work isn't mandatory but I thought it would be an interesting psych credit. I don't know why. It just appealed to me.

Sociology for Educators II will most likely be my favourite. I haven't taken any sociology courses, yet I love sociology. I didn't have to take part 1 to take part 2, and it fills another gap in my timetable, therefore I am taking it. Plus, I want to be a teacher someday. That is why I think this will be my favourite course.

I am looking forward to 2nd year, this September.